Why the M2 stinger has no downsides comparing to the entire MG Family for germany?

Mounting is not ideal but it’s night and day compared to how it used to be.

Americans can shoot 200 times without overheating while my Panzerwerfer’s MG overheats after 8 shots. Nice balance there Gaijin, same can be said about buildable MGs or any tank/apc mg.


I mean, event and gold order weapons are supposed to be special, and arguably deserve to be a bit better than their regular unlock counterparts - however if the stinger would have 100 rounds instead, just like the real magazine/box could hold, it would still be a very powerful MG, especially since the US .30 cal shoots rather slowly.

Now personally, I have my own opinion on German MGs getting 100 round belts, mainly that those 50 round boxes were a increadibly good design and compromise for shooting and reloading while using those weapons even on an assault.

I would like to see those 50 round box MGs getting substantial buffs in their mobility, MG42 could be a BR5 mg.

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That’s because 100 vs 200 mag doesn’t make any real difference in this game. Especially since we are speaking of MG and not smg.

I can’t think of situation in which I really needed to continuesly shoot 100 rounds.
It’s just waste of ammunition and giving enemy my position away.

You can easily wipe whole squad in 20 rounds with any MG.

Just buy MG42 early and MG45, they have better recoil than stinger, slightly worse dispersion. Plus they’re at BR4, just like is ju 188 and panthers. OP line up.

Of course the killing power is the same but the effective fire time without needing to reload is still a pretty big advantage - especially considering that one of the big general disadvantage of belt fed MG is reload speed.

This is one reason I don’t have as much fun playing level 5. I used to play it a lot and did decent in it, especially with the Browning 1919, but some matches the pace gets to hectic for an old man like me, so I prefer lower levels 1-3 where the pace is a little slower. Yeah, those 50 kill streak personal objectives I am pretty sure all of mine were done with the level 5 Browning 1919. I’m thinking I could easily replicate that with the Stinger. :blush:

If you are literally standing in front of enemy on open, then yes. The reload of ±5 sec in comparison to ±2 sec is somewhat significant difference.
But in all other cases it’s basically not.

People will still end up using more T20 and M2c as those weapons are still more versatile.
Stinger is just weapon to have fun, it’s not broken. Nor it affects balance in any significant way. are

Stinger’s existence is definitely not a proper argument by itself to change other MGs. As it is just very limited event thing.

But I am not saying I am against MG-42 (250) or something like that.

I just think the statement OP made is not reasonable. Especially since he obviously doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.

Stinger has problem with horizontal recoil, not vertical recoil.

And you really don’t need laser gun to be able spray/wipe squad. Especially with such higher fire rate.

Both stinger and MG15 do have capabilities to wipe “30” soldiers. But such situation is extremely specific and it’s definitely not an consistent experience.
You really don’t need excessive amount of rounds for that. All you need is to enemy squads be cluttered at small area.

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Like any hallways in Berlin and Stalingrad

Those are pretty good kill zone

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It doesn’t matter. Most of the time you don’t run into more than one squad at once anyway. It’s really not often that I think “yeah, if I had more rounds in the magazines here, I’d get so many more kills”.

The more rounds I have in the magazine, the more I waste them. But it certainly doesn’t make me that much more efficient.

Big magazine is just very comfortable thing to have. But it’s definitely not some decisive aspect. At least for me personally.

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in a squad that 3 men in first place can carry it ?

so that would mean ~10 squads with single M2 box ?
Just to spend 200 rounds with 50 belt of MG42 would require 20seconds for reloading.
20 second differency does sound quite significant

free -/- 30-50€ ? Sounds fair

Or perhaps due to fact that you can have more of them ?

200 round lmg with recoil of smg, seems to be just meme fun gun.

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That’s not how math works.

For 200 rounds with 50 round magazine, you need to reload 3 times. Meaning 3x ±5 secs.

Anyway, Germans do not have a single 50round MG at BR5.

Yes, paying with money is far more comfy than paying with your own time.
Stinger is definitely not free xD
But I guess your time is worthless if you say that.

Nope. Stinger just isn’t better than m2c or T20 just because it has 200 mag capacity.

Well, but no :slight_smile: there are several MGs that do have better recoils.

Weird… Why did you not cry about recoil of A6? It has better recoil than stinger (significantly lower horizontal r) combined with slower fire rate. = way more controllable.

You are just pathological complainer. Stinger is not broken weapon. And it doesn’t cripple balance in any way.

Ah, just 15seconds differency barely noticeable.

Sure, but then again paying ~30-50€ for broken game, id rather toss coins worth of 30-50€ to wishing well and get better value for the money.

Well it depends, the killing requirements of the said event barely took 2 games.
4? 6? and 8 ? games played was actually the most time consuming part, which were rather easy as you simply could quit till you find a steamroll game to either way.

But sure, if you were afraid of not going to complete the event tasks in ~24h? I get your point and do agree that its probably better that you keep spending in future too.

Can rather easily dominate the mid range with it without needing to reload.

And which one of them have 1200 rof & 200 mag ?

Does A6 have 1200 rof with 200 mag ?

And according to these stats stinger actually has less recoil in both.

M2 has 6 & 13 recoil that you can get even lower with the perk.
Thats SMG recoil.

If you are struggling with that “recoil” Im quite speechles.
Even a average console player with steering wheel and pedals can controil that nonexistent recoil.

Yea, kinda was expecting that you actually had some arguments here but apparently you are just gaslighting for attention.



So cool! Those Bren holding Canucks…

My next pfp? :thinking:

glad you like it

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DP 47 with 47 rounds loaded is 25 pounds, which is not that irl heavy tbh. But try checking it again since it might have gotten nerfed by higher recoil, and slow ROF which is shit against superior mgs with high rate of fire.

One of the reason why soviet smgs are best, and German mgs are best is because of rate of fire all the time in a fast paced environment. So yeah its not just a coping mechanism or lie.

Because you can only get 2
Rather than allowing all machine gun squads to equip him

The MG42 in general needs more ammo.


Very solid point. I agree 110%. The overheat mechanism is so out dated and restrictive m.

Especially since now vehicles are much easier to destroy due more people carrying AT launchers and demo packs on average since merge, and MG being able to get neutralized by a single HE shell or a single rifle shell if you are accurate enough.

Dude what? The Stinger is the most OP shit since Rome burned down and the “oP gErMan radio squad” is the LAST to be unlocked. Me as a german main NEVER can reach this because I have a real life, work, family, hobbies,…

It is so funny. Every nation will get their free radio squad while the german players have to wait the longest and just can hope they will reach that far. Would have been fair to put the squad on 1st or 2nd, because the russians, US and japs got very nice things the last months and ther german fraction just nothing.