Our plans for upcoming updates

Works as intended


Cool but

  • “Soft rule” to go to Tunisia when you have Crusader and to Pacific when you have Seagull?
  • BR 4 5 removed from Stalingrad?
  • BR 3 now only fights BR 2 and 4?
  • Join Any Team XP bonus?
  • 1944 Pz IV J from BR 3 removed from Stalingrad and Tunisia? Soft Rule?
  • Moroccan boys don’t use bathrobes in Normandy and SAS aren’t in shorts everywhere?
  • Adaptive camo for tanks? Whitewash for winter and dark yellow for Tunisia?

we need a system like war thunder: do certain missions for obtain camos or pay for them…not make them be only for gold <,<


What about the free slot for premiums


To be forgotten too?


I know you want to make things simple, but this looks far from perfect to me.

  1. Going by season would be bad for USSR because summer of 1941 and summer of 1944 had rather different uniforms, especially with the reintroduction of shoulder pads and collar tabs in 1943.

Similarly, German uniform in summer 1941 (feld grau) would be different from summer 1944 (more green smocks).

  1. Tunisia needs sandy colored uniforms while the Pacific needs frog camo.

It’s already super weird to see SAS boys in shorts and head scarves in Guadalcanal and frog camo USMC paratroopers in Tunisia.


Changes to the cosmetics are needed for sure and you are heading in the right direction, but when will you do something about horrible tier 5 matchmaking for the Soviets? Will you try to balance it a bit more or at least try to do something to attract more skilled players to the Soviets there? Literally nothing has changed since the merge regarding this issue and it is the same story as it was in the Berlin campaign, my team getting hammered like 8 times out of 10 in a blowout loss.

And while you’re at it, change the silver income. Just sneak peeking at your match. 720 silver for 22 minutes. That is horrible, and DF should really improve the silve income


Are you planning to make proper spawns for tanks as well?

no comment


Karma for desecrating Stalin’s City with filthy time travelling Tiger 2.


This has to be a joke?

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hum… Im playing BRII (all my squads and equipment are BRII). Just tried auto-equip on a soldier and got BR IV gear… so yeah…


My issue with customisation is how expensive it is with the current system.

Even after saving almost all my appearance tickets for 2 years i cant even customise 1 factions setup for one BR group it would cost over 3K tickets im not even close.

Please move to a permanent skin system like many games use - It works, its easy to monitize, it’s familiar to most players and is easily scalable.



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Also. Is there any plans to improve the in game economy?

I earn 2 to 5k silver per game depending on time kills etc.

This amount is not enough to buy high tier soldiers.


If you multiply the customization rewards to what we have post merge, which is essentially 5xbattle dresses for every soldier. So please devs increase the customization rewards and you can do what you like with multiple soldiers at once.

At this stage equipping multiple soldiers across every battle would cost gold, because I only have 180 appearance orders so far.


this isn’t enough. The current customization system is awful. uniforms have to be purchased too many times. Make Each uniform have a unlock for each campaign, brown jacket in normandy will have green in pacific, white in whatever else. Make this better, the current solution is terribble. Remove the aspect of having to buy uniforms for each campaign and make them recolored by uniform. AGAIN, ALLOW EACH UNIFORM PURCHASED TO HAVE UNIFORMS THAT IS USED ON ALL CAMPAIGNS. Your current system sucks!


This is a fantastic step. However, I would like to ask about some other glaring uniform issues.

  1. Italian squads wearing German Uniforms.
    Obviously Italian squads need Italian uniforms. Both the Metropolitain and the Colonial uniform have variants available for purchase in Tunisia. This should be an easy fix.
  2. Marine Squads wearing US Army uniforms.
    The United States Marine Corps wore different uniforms than the United States Army during world war 2. This should be reflected in the campaigns and the customization options.
  3. Buying the same customization for multiple campaigns.
    Why do I have to buy an identical uniform customization for all campaigns. I get it if the options are different. But if I buy one set of peadot it should be usable in all campaigns.
  4. Premium squad uniforms.
    They should be slightly modified for various campaigns but still unique.

Don’t forget this please.


No most likely cause silver has direct ties to xp and xp gain can be changed through premium account and premium squads so all you gonna get for an answer to your question is that buying and upgrading weapons (single one )is cheaper yeah don’t even bother

I’d like to add that the fallshirmjager squads still need to have access to their unique uniforms in all maps, not just the maps for the campaign they were unlocked on