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Or a desert Tiger in Stalingrad.
The same goes for the uniforms. Every battle in Berlin I see whole squads dressed in white, it looks so stupid.


Jungle - Pacific
Desert - Tunisia

Those 2 environments have radically different colors. Uniforms from Tunisia would be the first thing you would spot in the jungle arena of the Pacific, and green uniforms from the Pacific would be too easy to spot with the background of white Tunisian houses and sand.


Its just information. not a BR overhaul

Assigning perks individually is very time consuming, too.

Can you please let us save a favourite set of perks and assign it to multiple soldiers (of the same class) at once?


are you sure?

Good, they are needed but you really need to do something about the silver income everything is just so expensive and the income is really low even with high score and some additions of silver needed in the premie account, the whole economy needs a close look

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Could you please prevent the BR 3-5 battles from happening in Stalingrad? Why cannot BR 3 players be put in to Berlin every time they play uptiered? Why instead of this obvious solution, the opposite must happen - the players with StG-44’s , King Tigers and IS-2 mod 1944 are placed in 1942 in Stalingrad? This looks amazingly stupid, and it is not a big programming problem to fix that. And you promised before the merge that the weapons and vehicles will match the location.


Pretty meh tbh.
BR3 Single Queue and rework of old squad layouts and economy feels a bit more needed than this.


2 suggestions.

  1. Also add an alert or icon indicating if you only have a few items from a higher rating. For example tier 2 on everything but one or 2 tier 3 items mixed in by mistake. Highlight those somehow - it sounds like there may be a lot of players getting tiered up and not realising why.

  2. When customising appearances, any item you select should come with a variant for all campaigns that you see at a a glance. For example, your choosing a jacket for an axis Moscow soldier - also display the variants alongside it that will be applied in Tunisia, Berlin, Normandy.


I couldn’t say it better!

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i quite dont understand the inabilty of the developer team to just simply look around how and what other free to play games does with customization.

people all over in all f2ps that have a decent customization system are spending ludicrous amounts of money. game companies are getting extreme amounts of money out of customization and aesthetic options, its actually one of the highest returning avenues when matching spending development to getting revenue.

it is actually agreed on most F2P monetization schedules, that character customization is one of the biggest pillars for economical income, and when well done, people spend ridiculous, humongous amounts of money to make their character look cool and unique.

with a solid, good, fair and attractive character customization system, they would be laughing all the way to the bank and there would be no need to push out constantly overpowered and borderline p2w premium items.

its just a matter of LOOK AROUND HOW OTHERS DO IT, and try to make it as good, or better if possible. simple. effective. proven. fair. LOTS OF MONEY.

not that i give 2 damns about soldier customization, but a lot of people do. someone made the math and came to 5,000 gold per soldier to fully customize it. thats around 50 bucks, isnt it? does anyone think that is an attractive and fair expenditure? for one, ONE soldier? it is a direct invitation to customers remorse, and we know how that ends.


It’s not about the temperatures, it’s about the landscapes. Berlin and Normandy for example have totally different palettes because normandy is mostly grassy hills and trees while in Berlin you gave dark scorched groud, grey rubble and grey-white buildings. Normandy campaign soldiers need their grass/foliage camo and Berlin soldiers need mostly brown and black uniforms with dark or grey helmets.


The worst part of the costumization system is you need buy a clothes for every soldier, imo it need be that once you buy something is for all soldier in the squad


Change costumization currency from gold(order) to silver


No economy tweaks sad
No perfect soldiers sad
No mass-de equip sad
And lastly no universal squad upgrade point very sad
But thx DF for working hard I wish instead of new contents you would have at least this year worked on fixing or making the merge a little better


Good work. But @James_Grove please tell the developers to 1. Look into the silver gain post-match. It is not compatible with the kind of investments which we need to make in-game. 2. There should be no cost for resetting perk points. This defeats the entire purpose of the perk management system.

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heck, i even payed a guy to make me a software to run with all combinations:

Wow. THAT is dedication

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well, yeah.

i was perhaps considering of " opening shop " and take requests from people to make them uniforms for their mod.

which it saves temendeus ammount of time.

i can literally make more than 40k variations in a click of a button

the only time consuming part, would be to filter them all. ( rather, delete and see the ones that do not go because either clips too much, or are apparent of not belonging on that specific clothing etc )

but yeah, it’s quite convenient.

i can even make folders for dedicated environment or whatever the hell i want.


Decals for vehicles are only marginally better. You buy a decal, you can put it on any vehicle, but you can only use it ONCE. Unless you own more copies of the same decals, you can’t use it on more than a vehicle (or more than a slot) at a time.

Not to mention that the choice of decals itself is limited, while they could effortlessly import hundreds of decals from War Thunder.


oh yeah.when they added the “new” uniforms for the DAK i was kinda dissapointed like…how hard it is to to take lets say 5 tops and give each k98 pouches,mp40 pouches,mg34 belt or zb26,mg13 pouches.


Cool, but:

What about FIXING br irregularities?

  • Uptiered usa tanks?
  • Downtiered pps43?
  • Weapon crates from paratroopers BYPASSING your entire br system, while Italian ones get uptiered?
  • tier 3 facing tier 1&5?
  • su76 shoukd be tier 2
  • dicker max too high tier
  • zk and mp35 at tier 4???
  • overcompressed tiers making a bunch of arms obsolete?

So what about it?

Your br system is all over the place. Shouldn’t you guys fix it too?