Our plans for upcoming updates

Could be nice if you add a solution that allows players to directly select the upgrade level they want for their guns and tell them the total cost. In other words, If I want to upgrade a gun from level 1 to 5, the game will tell me that I need 6000 silver. Instead of clicking 5 times on the upgrade button.


Apparently asking for an MG is a problem for the Germans so how about just fixing the windows or bipods


That all sounds good. Could you please also make sure that the ammunition pouches fit the corresponding weapons? A soldier with an MP 40 and carbine ammo pouches looks like some kind of … shit. lol.


It’s not all, but about this we can already announce, other stuff about customization is not ready с:


The worst part is we have shown them time after time multiple examples of what could be better with the system, only either not get acknowledged or get only a simple “forwarded” which never goes anywhere it’s just motivation killing man


That is an improvement, but that still doesn’t fix customization being trash, too expensive and cross campaign customization conflicting with eachother.


If you guys really wanted to improve customization for uniforms, make some of them tied to achievements or challenges a player can complete to unlock them.

On top of that, make it so if you buy a piece of clothing, it’s a permanent unlock / free use option for any soldier to equip in perpetuity.

If all else of this gets ignored like the community usually asks for, at least lower the price of all cosmetics by 80% its values for both customization cards and gold.

This issue(s) isn’t the time it takes to equip, it’s the quantity of different time periods per same soldier and the uniquely individual cost per different “soldier uniform” for someone who wants to go that extra mile.

The same soldier can end up being worth 5000 gold ALONE, a SINGLE soldier, if someone wanted to dress him for all possible time periods. Now times that by a max of 9 for a riflemen squad.


I just wonder that when the Bug about disappearing clothes will be fixed

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like what.

what is there missing.


i’ve got planty if you want them to speed up the progress.

heck, i even payed a guy to make me a software to run with all combinations:

yet the team is unable to do something similar?:

nothing at all?

sorry, but i’m having an hard time believing that.

the editor is full with uniforms etc.


Yeah I think that’s what DF is banking on


Stop being poor

Also remember all this gold goes to trash if you sell the soldier. Best investment.


This was fixed in the test version distributed last night.
I expect it will be fixed in the next patch.

I don’t want to sound rude, but lately everything seems too little, too late.


Haha, you was it? This looked realy shitty. :wink: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I don’t understand why did you wrote the /sarcasm thingy.

Couldn’t put it better, got excited for nothing


The snail consumes all — nothing is safe.


This puts me at ease, thanks!

it’s the second time too ffs.

remember the " elaborate customization system " ?


Army appearance

Campaigns are merged into countries, and their soldiers will find themselves in a wide variety of battles. For example, a player using the German army can end up both among the hot sands of Tunisia and in the frozen trenches of Stalingrad.
Of course, this does not mean that your soldiers will run around in shorts and shirts in the cold winter! Customization of the soldiers will remain in Enlisted, but now it will be represented by an elaborate system of presets

->literally 2 presets for each torso with not even all the pouches available outside the one time made stalingrad moderate yet not full selection.

( which uses basic uniforms, yet you can only use them in stalingrad and the new ardenne. what about the others campaigns? screw you )


That’s a start, but much-much more needed to be done in this department. Customization is far from good atm, and it’s sad that all you’ve announced is a button to dress whole squad. The biggest problem are economy of customization tickets (you have much more to spent on one squad after merge, but income was left on pre-merge level) and not optimal selection (not by weather, but by campaigns)

In addition to what Erika wrote earlier in this thread, just my 5 cents about what’s wrong with customization: