Our plans for upcoming updates

I hope that unnecessary teams will be specially marked. Because there are actually a lot of duplicate teams. Especially in the German army.

there should be no 2 tier up fighting its no fun and makes peeps want to stop grinding when u lose in 5 mins never mind spend money, only one tier difference is enuff…


absolutely not, horrible idea. There are different uniforms and years to be accounted for here. Different camouflage patterns and gear outfits to be considered, which you haven’t.

Vehicle customization for the different campaigns when? same as for soldiers. Vehicles ofc should change camouflage depending on campaign too, why isn’t it already there? Don’t tell me you didn’t start working on this already, just make it happen yesterday

I hope you ‘‘plans’’ on giving us the option of getting rid of these ugly monstrosities off our outfits

Enlisted 7_19_2023 4_58_31 PM (3)
zzzz (2)


The problem with this statement is that you’re now outright gouging the playerbase that actually funds your game ! Most of the guys I know that care about historically looking troops for a given campaign are now exasperated as you blew out the costs of cosmetically altering 4-5 squads for a single campaign to doing the same for the 5 campaigns you have in game if you play German, and lets say 1-3 for the other nations. IF you want to keep this game alive stop biting the hand that feeds you !
You can provide a commensurate set of customisation options based on what someone had invested into their line up before “the merge”.
WWII Games in general attract a certain group of history centric folks, abuse that social contract at your peril and you will end up in the same place as BFV.


an alternative would be to make it all a lot cheaper. IF they were to cut the cost by 75% I think that would also work.


Sure, but at this stage this whole merger appears to be some sort of copium on the part of devs. I doesn’t take a genius to make a balanced game … does it ?


Im sure it takes all of 10 seconds to change a BR number from a 3 to a 2. (Or whatever)

First hotfix changed gold order KV-1 to the right BR. They were hot on that

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I’m worried more about being able to afford cosmetics for 3 different BR presets which can each be placed in several different campaigns. The white tunics in Stalingrad alone cost me 304 cosmetic tickets for my BR 5 preset. I would need to buy them again for my BR 3 and BR 2 presets, that’s 608 for the other two, 912 for all three. And then if you add in the Ardennes that’s an additional 608 tickets assuming that BR 2 can’t get sent there, which brings it to 1520 tickets JUST for white tunics for one faction for TWO campaigns.

I think the Moscow, Stalingrad, and the Ardennes cosmetic loadouts need to be combined.


People just want to know one thing: Will the management responsiblefor the desctruction of Enlisted be fired, yes or no? Thank you!


I think they need to generate some data first. I’m sure they have a lot, but I’m also sure, things aren’t as obvious as they might appear.


Just lol. They game is clearly better. much better. They’ll get the cosmetics, BR, and MM ironed out. Not that it’s terrible now. I play mostly BR III and it’s competitive even against Tier V


yes thats what this game needs most. Who cares about grenades made in china and missing units able to unlock higher clases soldiers abilities

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They really wanted the merge to be out before the holidays so it does miss some crucial content, but its a only matter of time before DF catches up.

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Wait. Why not make the same customizations for campaigns that has similar setting? For example, Moscow and Stalingrad are winter then Normandy and Pacific are summer. If you look at the current customizations, both campaigns has pretty much the same clothing.

Do your plans include a reasonable time for testing of the changes?


Vehicles need more decals.

Many different vehicle squad insignias are already in the game as the squad logo, at least allow the players to have those as customization option.


Can you tell me whats my KD ratio for germans? I highly doubt I killed only 213 people during 42 Battles.
