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No because Greedy Gaijin sells those for money. You have to pay for immersion now…and even then you cant control all the other white tanks. Lol this game used to be kinda cool, just partially unbalanced…now its a fucking shitshow


Could we have a Mark when we are on the filter squad to see if this squad as already unlock all his techtree

Simple, just dont recommend this Game to your Friends :pig_nose:


We have forwarded that issue!


Glad to hear. :blush:

I hope you look into Pacific maps, there are too many maps where you have no cover to push, or the objective is on an island. Having to cross the water to make a rally point, you just get farmed over and over trying to cross the water. And no, some stupid bridge is not gonna help. Just poor map design.

You push uphill trying to cross a rive. Who came up with that design and thought it’s good? BR3 US needs some damn tank/Plane fire power. The only reason why US can hold against Axis in normandy, is because they had really good support, in the pacific in BR3 you have mediocre at best support.

Also the cave map, is just miserable. Miserable to defend, miserable to attack. As attackers you cant get any air support or any tanks support you just move in and suicide over and over.


Ima be real im against there being a BR at all. The more you try to control, the less fun the game gets.


Because Stuart vs Tiger was fun.

Match making is still a joke because BR1 stands no chance against BR3, BR3 is too weak to fight BR5 effectively. Once its fixed, the game will greatly improve.

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AT exists. It’s not like Stuart VS Tiger is the only option. Even now I see Stuarts going up against my friend in his Tiger, and I see this a lot. When there are powerful enemies, simply find a solution. The game has many solutions. It may even force you to think outside of the box and become more crafty.


Its not just stuart vs tiger.
A team equipped with bolt-action rifle will always perform worse than a team with SF and AR rifles.
BR3 planes vs BR5 generally perform worse.
But that isn’t fair, sure war isn’t fair but this is a game and Im dead tired of bad matches that end in a stomp because one side is hopelessly outmatched.


Hyperborea-level based


its amazing!!! how did you managed to kill and die the same amount for usa and urss, exactly 4.731.275 times!!! that is skill and dedication.


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I think all RLs and AT cannon cant pen Tiger frontally so not really.
Getting campers with TNT in greyzones never gets old.

When are you going to address the balance issue? Soviet Union, esp top tier is almost unplayable.
Very weak man power and point capturing.

Most importantly: Give soviet impact grenade! Soldiers are fucked by this everytime fighting axis.
This thing is the most retard weapon in this game. Either give everyone that or delete that. It completely make intense top tier fight a bully and disaster.
@James_Grove @Euthymia07 @YuiHibiki


That is an expression I will quickly get in my vocabulary.

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cope and seethe + L ratio.

Jokes aside, I hope they adress impact issue along side Pps, both should be BR3.


remove conquest assault when. ?

shit matches everywhere.,

stop adding SHIT.
and fix the game. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Marry me? :pleading_face:


I think the outfit parts that a soldier already owns in one “campaign” if I can even be called that anymore should be accessible to the others that already have it. Shouldn’t have to buy the same top in three campaigns, if it’s a different item I completely understand. For the same items should already be usable and not have to be repurchased. That might help the middle ground seeing as we’re going through a drought in clothing options.


Only if you know the answer to the riddle of steel.

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