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LOTR The Return of the King - Extended Edition - The Tower of Cirith Ungol Part 1 on Make a GIF

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Yeah Id rather things stay loosely historical, like not seeing brits on the current pacific maps, accurate camo colors, and not seeing guns made after the battle currently taking place…


Not an actual issues… Australian and New Zealand troops fought in the Solomons


These are straight up brits at gudalcanal with A13s…


Well yeah the A13’s aren’t great - but Matilda’s and Valentines in the Pacific would be “real”


Like how their were GIs on the British Beach’s at Normandy before the merge

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Lol didnt they remove the Matilda with the merge so you cant get it anymore?

Nope can still buy

Different game modes are fun and adds variety to the game.
You hate Conquest, I love it.
Variety is key
You hate that conquest map you get, endure it, and next is some other mode and you will appreciate it more.
That’s was best for you.
Can’t just eat one type of food every day, you will get bored.
Some days vegetables is good for you, even do you don’t like it


Game was fine before merge.
Still not happy huh?


or or listen here wild idea… people get the map/mode they don’t like desert and stop playing when they are sick of it.


yesterday literally killed 5 M5 stuarts in Panther A sooo yeee merge fixed nothing.

If it wasn’t for a fomo event i’d quit the game and probably will heck i’ve researched stuff i can’t buy.


What about removing this merger? When will you say or acknowledge us players that want it gone? You ignoring us the same way a politician does his moral conscience. Stop the small stuff and bring back the 6 campains then I will redownload game

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I feel ya. They still have no responded to us.

All my freinds left
So did i


It was not “fine”, it was unsustainable and inconsistent.

There are going to be some growing pains


These are all very welcome additions. Thanks!

I agree the merge didn’t change much. It’s still a matter of joining the winning team.

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what do you mean by?

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Before the merge everyone would flock to one team/side and the the other side would get slaughtered. While I’m getting a few more balanced games than before the merge, it’s still pretty the same thing. The other day it was Germans if you wanted a chance to win. Have not played the last few days, so I don’t know what its been like lately. (Every time I get ready to play I get called away to play other games)