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Y’all ruined this game, please just revert.



Thats what im saying. Devs listen to kids in forum instead of common sense

Matchmaking should not be about trying to balance gear out, it’s inherently bad.
Gear should be year of service based. Gear matched on what campaign was used in was better.
That gives more variety, that is more fun, that is more challenging.
Ya’lll dumbasses wants some perceived ‘‘balance’’ that you can stick a number on that you can grasp.
I will still one shot MOST of you guys and your whole Assault Rifle equipped Squad with my Kar98k Squad.
It’s about how you play and how you use it.
The bad part is because of trying to cater to this ‘‘balance’’ they broke and ruined immersion of authenthic historical representation of ww2, which the game should be centered on, NOT about what if a Tiger II faced of a Centurion in the pacific 1945. that is a shit game that ain’t a fair and well respectful representation of actual history


Can u cook?


Biggest issues with loadouts as of right now:

  1. You just cannot save a combined lineup at all, only squads and per-soldier.
    I just want to be able to save my entire lineup and restore it with one click
  2. Saved soldier equipment is dumb AF. It does not remember weapon upgrade level, doesn’t care about attachments. It notoriously insists on putting on unupgraded weapons without bayonets even though there is a PILE of fully upgraded ones with bayonets on
  3. Autoequip is just insane on what it thinks is “the best” (Like, if you had 4/5 thermonuclear bomb or 5/5 bolt action it won’t STFU about the bolt action)
  4. While functionally distinct weapons are treated as the same, functionally identical things like pounches/backpacks are not. Trying to apply a preset will ask me to buy large ammo pouch, even though i have 50 of them in my inventory - but those have different skin
  5. There are many unique weapons, to the point per soldier presets are not very useful - I wanna be dripped out with my Nickel Plated 45 and officer sabre, the apply preset action should be smart enough to be able to substitute uniques with generally available gear, like: sabre → cool axe → lame axe → knife
  6. Again, just let us save a whole “army” preset", so we no longer have to diddle the damn UI for 20 minutes just to switch from BR5 to BR2

Conquest is widely hated, you just have shit taste. Please go play call of duty instead of sharing your bad opinion.


Dude eat a snickers

dumb or what? You don’t like it. I like it aswell the other modes, adds variety.
You only speak for yourself, it’s ok you can dislike all you want, I still like it

12 people liked new coke also but doesnt mean it was good

Bring back the Squads you removed for those of us who want them for our collection.
I was missing The last Tanker and Assault Squad from Berlin and I really want them.
I use the HISTORICAL Squads I had and make a BR appropriate Lineup with them.
As in I make a BR II Lineup with Moscow Squads, a BR III with Stalingrad Squads and BR V with Berlin Squads.
But alas now that I’m missing a few Squads there, I can’t use The IS-1 & 2 in Berlin because the Berlin Tanker I Squad can’t use IS tanks for some reason + I’d like to have lineup 2 Tank Squads wouldn’t mind either.

The reason I set up my Squads like this is because this way I can try to cope in a way with the ruining of the Game by the ‘‘update’’.
A nice bonus of having all that many Squads Is also that I can easily distinguish, separate and have a framework of how I set up Squads. A Preset for Moscow with only Moscow Squads and try keep BR at II with Weapons & Vehicles that were available for Moscow Campaign, then a Stalingrad one and a Berlin one.
That way I keep everything sorted and organized and I can easily manage them.
the bonus is that I have Separate set of Squads for each preset that way, so can customize and equip for just that BR. No need to mix and change and get lost.
All clear and easy to fin and with one click change preset ready to play whatever BR.

But now PLEASE find somehow a way to allow me to research these missing campaign specific Squads again.
I’ve seen more people asking for these “legacy” Squads be made available again.

Ty and hope this can be implemeted somehow

For those of us who just HAVE to have some kind of ‘‘Historical Immersion’’ to it
Without it there’s just no feel for the Game


Guess we send Fedorov back to WWI and AS44, RD44, Belt fed DP into Wolfenstein Universe

To separet players by weapon tier.

This was the one thing DF had to do.

I rarely have a T3 match playing allies that doesn’t get me fighting tigers2s.

So I tried T4 Soviets.

I was gonna try to get some friends playing with me this Xmas but now… I fear it would be too embarrassing.

These are my stats so far. Average seen low tier sticks to low tier, and high tier to high tier. For me personally, i end up more in low tier than high tier with a tier 3 lineup.

Funny enough, with US tier 2 i am getting more high tier maps. Though the equipment everyone uses is tier 3 max, which i do find interesting.

And USSR i haven’t played much after the merge.