New currency

If you have upgrades in the tree unlocked then yeah.

can’t you just make universal buy order and universal upgrade order…

I’m worried what will happen to the reserve? Are you going to dump me with Thousands of soldiers while reserve is below 150 for premium and sub 50 for f2p or are you going to merge their caps too?

Reserve need to be gone otherwise nobody would be able to play this game anymore, we will be locked from recruiting new soldiers, and will be forced to delete their entire armies that they have been collecting there for few years.

We don’t have reserve for weapons so why we still use that archaic and annoying system which will be 100x more painful to deal with after the merge.

Just think about different and new premium perk like 20% discount of all purchases in the shop (premium included) and upgrades (it should stack with 40% bonus)


Time to save silver soldier orders.

very good, and i realy satisfied whit how the new currancy works.

Why those numbers are so high ??? Why it is not:

  • 1 bronze weapon order = 2 coins
  • 1 bronze soldier order = 1 coin
  • 1 silver weapon order = 5 coins
  • 1 silver soldier order = 10 coins


I mean - it can be divided by 100 to look better for a player.




If thats the case, earnings in proportion to the new price tag will make gearing a longer process for players post merge (if i understand it correctly)

Not a big deal for old players though


reading helps

Cant you just make the number a little bit smaller?
Just TOO MANY ZEROS 0000000000000000


veterans be like:

new players be like:


Stats will still be random because there is no mention of changing it at all, only to remove the randomization when buying a soldier:
When you buy a soldier right now, you receive a 2-5 star soldier randomly, after the merge it’s tied to squad upgrades.


Looks good guys. Although It makes me wonder, what will be the coin value to sell stuff. I imagine a LOT of selling in the future.


Well I do have faith, but in my mind campaign merge is not enhancement for a multitude of already discussed reasons…

Instead focusing on changes that I feel we don’t really need, look at Big Action mod, Katyushas, stuka air strike, mobile rallies, indirect fire on rocket vehicles, constructable jeeps and now half-tracks, up to 50 players, 8 planes in air if you want, 4 each side…this is adding what we want more changes. The fact I’m harping on about this mod, the fact that when merge happens I’ll be sitting in BA mod, listening to the stories about Tunisia soldiers in Moscow, paratroopers on axis in Berlin.

But maybe you have thought about this, in the interim I’ll be in BA waiting for more news and hopefully you will realize players will want to grind in BA not base game as it’s what Enlisted should be. (So please consider XP rules)


What happened to the perk system rework with as many perks as points and stackables? It was also announced that soldier points would be normalised and you would always get max stats.


wait, so you’re saying the preset function will be improved?

Because that’s not how the preset-system functions today.


Material for another devblog I guess.


Also, WHEN will this update & conversion applied? Within October?

I suspect that if they finally start to publicly talk about actual conversion rates, the actual shift can’t be too far anymore.

On the other hand, the currency shift could in theory happen SEPARATELY from the merge…


If we get merge by the end of this year we will be a very lucky.

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You should try it yourself.

So, what are they? 1000xp equals to how much silver, smartypants? :wink:

Knowing we had twice the amount of soldier orders compared to weapons, for the same xp amount? So what will it be?

In short, they’re not given yet. Saves you the trouble of “reading”.