New currency

mixed feelings about this.

not really gonna give an opinion as i don’t know for certain earnings how will be

( if tier / br will matter, if there are going to be any changes to it, etc )

except, you have only 3 of them.

for… quite possibly, several brs ( double if not triple the tiers ).

( let alone me having premium, hence f2players might not even able to use more than 1/2. )


My advice is to wait for public test server :slight_smile:


Only three for each class and for all nations per campaign… and half of the time, the stupid soldier presets keep deleting


The BR system is exactly a War Thunder conversion with all the problems from it going to carry over besides the campaign merge not gonna merge the playerbase since its gonna be split into BRs anyway.


Tbf they stated that lower and higher might get in touch with each depending on population… so I guess its still a win?

Uptiers and downtiers going to be a thing like War Thunder and those who played War Thunder know the pain of constant uptiers because of a certain popular BR



With over 10000+ total battles through the game, and pretty much everything in the game, those would be my estimates for the merge system, a player who has roughly 3500 hours into the game since it’s April 2021 PC release.

If by chance, could the bronze one be bumped to 300 coins and the soldier order to 200 coins?
I’m trying to look outside of this as a veterans point of view and I’m trying to assume the role of someone with maybe lets say 500-1000 total battles so far throughout the entire game.

Maybe this slight bonus would be appreciated for the newcomers, since it wouldn’t be a bad guess this update is going to have a massive social engineering outreach push to content creators and anyone who could promote the game to a wider audience.

Either way, conversion rates look… fine to me since there is no more tedious micromanagement anymore to sink resources into a soldier who couldn’t become max perk point levels and what not.

I’ll await the test server to give a better analysis on how this progression would feel.


Interesting opinion and look, i’ll forward this one, but decision is for devs here.


I think she is right. Because you have many duplicated weapon in every campaign. You no longer need to buy those duplicate weapon for multiple campaign. For example, you no longer need to buy 5 sets of MG34 for Germany for 5 campaigns.



And, enough pistols for 1 lineup, and not multiple campaigns for example.
Or grenades, mines, tnt packs. Etc

No need to buy 5 sets of 4/8 MP-40’s anymore:D

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Makes my 2.8 million into maybe 3.5 after selling off duplicated weapons from squads that can’t fit them. Only worry I got with this is the whole gimmick of gold order weapon squads might die off since BR ratings tied to the guns.


please +100 or +50 for each bronze order, I believe new players would really appreciate that.

Well considering you have to pay the equivalent of 10 silver for a pistol that before only cost 1 on a country that doesn’t have any other campaigns I see a bit of a problem with the new pricing in that regard.


This is a good idea - if it’s done right. And so far it has not been. I played War Thunder before coming to Enlisted, and the whole “research and then buy” idea did not work and was incredibly unbalanced, even after Gaijin tried making revisions to it. However, it was still unbalanced. Try to use two different systems to get the same thing is never an easy task, and if you can’t get it right, might as well not use it. The Orders system is perfectly fine, even if it would be nice to transfer orders into others. This is what we have, and it has been working well. If we can just make a few changes to it and make it more flexible, I think the playerbase would be much happier with that than if we went to a whole new system that has already proven itself to be unreliable.


Should be enough for over a year of updates.


Will soldiers have RNG perk points after the porgression update or will the perk points be equal for each soldier in a class? Like will we still have to buy multiple soldiers to get a good roll?

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Will soldiers who are not fully upgraded automatically become five-star after the update?

I think they said they will have maximum available stats every time

I’m almost, but not yet convinced.

Apart from the GAINS rate that aren’t mentioned,

The presets. How many will we be able to make? I’ll want to play in at least 3 different BR brackets, per factions. How will those work? Considering we also won’t have more squad slots save for the +1 for premium squads.