New currency

Imo it is a noticeable upgrade to have a single pool of regular currency (silver coins) instead of 4 separate and non transferable pools.

In example, with the old system I have a large overabundance of soldier silver orders but I’m always short on bronze weapon orders to upgrade my guns. With the new system, this won’t be an issue anymore.

Soldiers will become more expensive to recruit, but there will be no upgrade costs anymore, so it’s overall balanced. Seems fair enough.

This is partially different, in that it becomes more expensive to, say, upgrade a whole squad from bolt actions to semiautos (with the old system you could just stick with stock guns and call it a day).

Anyway, SUGGESTION: add the option to directly purchase full stars weapons (at a properly higher cost), instead of necessarily having to buy stock guns first and upgrade them later. Saves quite some time with mass purchases.


At a quick glance, buy all the soldiers/weapons you could need now, and dont upgrade…

Will read properly tomorrow


Interesting suggestion, i’ll advise you to remind about it when dev-server with new economy will be launcher с:


Well. I remember that people also asked for the ability to change orders but nothing came out of that.
And well, for some reason, DF decides that soldiers have higher costs in terms of upgrades and earning less orders and they decided to keep the first one for reasons.
Before that, at least weapon orders and soldier orders were not connected to each other and therefore didnt harm each other.


I’m frickin RICH $$$$$


I thought so too.

I suggest buying as many high rank soldiers as one possibly can (like assaulters 4, riflemen 3, etc) at 1 silver order a man. Instead of what will be 11.5 silver per single soldier…


You and me both brother wooooo!!

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So after merge there will be less squads or are you assuming that people will buy equipment only for the squads they’re using at the time???

Im asking because in my case i like to have prepared different squads with different weapons so it means the number of guns I need to buy stays the same.

I do not know if I understand that correctly why merge means that you will have buy something more times

One would spend less in comparison to a player that compleated all campaigns as of Now.

You won’t need to equip multiple armies like now from each campaign, Germany has 5 armies right now.
After the merge, Germany will be a single army, so you won’t have to buy as much soldiers and equipment.
Ofc, you will keep all your squads you have right now.

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What are those rates?

The current system allows us to earn twice as much soldiers order, than weapons ones.

Will everything be toned down to the current weapons cards rates?

In short, 1000xp per battle = how much of the new currency?


Money For Nothing I guess.
Gif - Money For Nothing I

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Proper values you will see on dev server с:


But we will have brs and all that and I dont know but I guess you also need to fill those hundreds of squads you may or may not keep from the new order merge.

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This is lame, Hopefully with this the Enlisted community will realize that Enlisted is on the inevitable path of becoming War Thunder 2. A merge was necessary but not in this way.


Isn’t that ONLY if a player always play in the same battle rating bracket? What if a player wants to play in early, mid and high br, with all his armies?

Having to buy less seems like an illusion to me atm, if soldiers class also have battle rating.


I already suspected this :stuck_out_tongue:

Used Stalingrad and pacific to kit out all soldier 1s, 2s and 3s over the last few months

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Presets also exist.

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Been doing that for a while too.

I even have a stockpile of mp28! (Don’t judge, I like it).

It’s why I’m not screaming hooray yet. I’m not certain it’s good. Might be… but might also not be…

I’m just unsure yet.

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You can use squad presets, so you won’t have to equip that much squads