New Class: Mechanised Mobile Infantry (Suggestion)

Mechanised Mobile Infantry/Support

*Note: This is a general idea, any part can be modified (squad size, specialists etc)

A versatile squad with a focus on mobilty and support, Ideally suited for assaulting objectives and getting troopers to the objective.

  • Gets its own Vehicle Slot
  • only 1 allowed at any one time per team
  • Versatile selection of vehicles available at different Battle ratings
  • Passenger AI can fire their weapons
  • No engineer Specialist
  • AA vehicles will be moved to this squad
  • Rally point Vehicles must be stationary for 10 seconds to activate

*Note: Motorcycle squad will be retained, as It still has the option for engineers (can be expanded on via new vehicle choices) OR it can completely replace the Motorcycle squad and absorb motorbikes into its vehicel pool)

The squad will have high mobility, protection against small arms fire and well-armed. The Squad will have a wide array of specialist choices. The Trade off will be “no engineer”. (there will however be the possibility of a mobile Rally point vehicle)

The Squad will have up to 9 (Crew plus Passengers), But the number of Soldiers you can bring in will depend on your vehicle of choice. (i.e M3 half track all 9, M3 Half Track AA only the first 3)

Default soldier type is Bomber + 4 Riflemen



Mechanized Infantry/Support:

As-42 20mm Auto canon 1x Breda mounted MG (crew 5)

Sd.Kfz.251 Mg 42 (rally Point, Crew 3)

Sd.Kfz.251 Mg 42 (Crew 9)

Sd.Kfz.221 20mm autocannon and mg 42 (crew 3)

Sd.Kfz.251 75mm short (crew 6)

Sd.Kfz.251 Flame thrower (crew 4)

Wirbelwind (crew 5)


Mechanized Infantry/Support:

M3 Half track 30 cal browning (rally Point, Crew 3)

M3 Half track 30 cal browning (Crew 9)

M3 Half track 75mm AT gun (Crew 5)

M3 Scout Car 50 cal and 30 cal (crew 8)

Universal Carrier At rifle, Vickers (crew 4)

Universal Carrier WASPE Flamer (crew 3)

LVT-4 twin 50 cals with gun shield Amphibious (crew 9)


Mechanized Infantry/Support:

M3 Half track 30 cal browning (rally Point, Crew 3)

M3 Half track 30 cal browning (Crew 9)

M3 Scout Car 50 cal and 30 cal (crew 8)

The two following might be better choices for motorcycle squad vehicle (only 2 crew)

BA-64 Machine Gun Turret (Crew 2)

BA-64 PTRS Turret (Crew 2)

t-20 Armored Tractor




Mechanized Infantry/Support:

*need more ideas for Japan

Type 1 Ho-Ha Mg (rally Point, Crew 3)

Type 1 Ho-Ha Mg (Crew 9)

Ka-Tsu, Amphibious (crew-5-9)

Ho-Ki (crew 9)

Na-to (crew 7)


Suggestions Welcome

Alternative Suggestions: (From Comments)

  • Merge with Assaulter squad (replaces Assaulter Squad). This becomes the unique function of assaulter squad. No limited spawns per team (personally I think this is a bit much)
  • Merge/replace Motorbike squad. Basically a refurbished motorbike squad idea
  • suggested to be defaulted to rifle squad
  • add possibility for engineer specialist
  • add ability to tow equipment
  • Tank Chassis SPAA stay in tankers slot, only Light Vehicle mounted AA guns for this squad
  • God please NO NO NO!

Overall I like the idea. One thing I’d be concerned about is a mobile rally point seems a little OP, but maybe there’s a way to balance it, like it cannot be used unless the vehicle is stationary for at least 30 seconds, or something.


Yeah I forgot to add that in. Will add.

Rally point would be valuable, but alot of the other vehicles will be soo tempting to use instead.

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cant spawn when rally point under fire also so see people letting it live to kill cmap squads


Your viewpoint is interesting, but I believe that this team should not be a separate team, but should be bound to the assault team. Many teams in Enlisted have unique constructions, why not make armored personnel carriers a unique mechanism for the assault team?


This could replace the Assault squad in funciton yes.

But the idea is to limit the amount of vehilces, and the gimmick of this squad is tied to the vehicle. If It replaced assaulters they would be very rare (because Only 1 can be spawned per team at a time)

Also its a combination. Not just assault. Also AA and Support

They could also add some light rocket artillery with very limited payload it also has multiple crewman it could transport so like mg gunners or rifleman or at gunners


The resurrection points that can be moved are not as OP, and the current map cannot hide armored vehicles

Yes I could see all types of Weapons strapped to light vehicles added.

Infinitely expandable and interesting.

would the Stalingrad flame tanks count in this and what about the church hill crocodile the Sherman crocodile (the dedicated flame tanks for brit and usa) and mobile artillery like M7 persist like or like a mortar team in the back of gmc half track?

Flame tanks? hmmm maybe, not sold on that. But certainly not main tanks like the crocodile or sherman

This will be Light vehicles that arent classified as tanks

So trucks and halftracks with weapons strapped to them, SPAA and scout vehicles.

flame panzers are on 2 and 3 chasses i think and one of the pics shows a sherman with AAA turret that is full tank and would be a butcher to troops like it and wurblewind be worse then the old build AAA

It’s not a replacement… it’s just an extension. It shouldn’t be made too rare, as that would violate its due value.

Its classified as SPAA, and would naturally be at High BR where AT weapons are nasty.

My thinking is, if mechanised squads were not limited in the way I have suggested, this squad would pretty much make the assaulter squad, rifle squad and bomber squad completely redundant.

Could you imagine a whole team spawning in half tracks or scout cars??? lol

Maybe I am not understanding correctly, but my intention is to add a new, interesting and useful squad that doesnt make exisiting ones completely redundant.

true but it can aim at them… and gray zone campers will gray zone camp AAA they do it now with the gmc and Ta Se

I guess this is why we cant have nice things :frowning:

But yeah, SPAA are generally open topped or lesser armoured, so at high tier plane rockets will just annihalte them.

They should not be additional squads, but an advanced expansion for Commando… They do not replace any other squads as DF currently limits us to two squads of the same type.

Just so I am understanding.

Your vote is to add the vehicle option to Assaulter squad, and remove the 1 per team limit?

assuming they don’t nurf them again things can barely slap a Stort tank right now