German Tier 1 and 2 vehicles i would love to see



This vehicle definitely shouldn’t be BR 1/2


Would like to see Pz II L, Pz II J and Jpz II


Why? Sdkfz233 is using short 75mm gun. Tank using the same armaments like Panzer4/Panzer 3N are on BR2. Moreover, this vehicle has no turret.


Short 7.5cm should definitely be BR3. It’s anti infantry potential is extreme.
I always prefer pz 3 N in Tunisia and Stalingrad over F2.

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Then you should also take T28(76mm instead 75mm)/M3 Medium from soviets and M8 Scott/M1 Grant from Murricans since they are in BR1 or BR2


Are you really comparing m8 scott to pz III n/F1? XDD

But I agree with m3 lee, it’s extremely strong tank. Definitely better than t-50.

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I’m comparing it to short 75mm of PZ4E, Heat of M8 Scott is superior at infantry killing plus you have MG on the top. PZ4E is good enough at killing infantry but almost completely defenseless against tanks. Ofc Pz3N with Heat will be great against anything you throw at it as long as it’s at BR3 or below (against KV-1 it’s mixed F2/G is stronger)

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Yeah, because aiming for turret of T-34 is impossible deed xD

I destroyed so many tanks with PZ IV e. And I am talking about free version without heats. I just love its dark GO skin.
Pz IV e/F1 definitely isnt defenseless against majority of BR3 tanks.

And they should just give heat option to every progression short 7.5cm, especially since they’re discontinuing premium PZ IV e.
There’s no reason auch powerful tanks should be on BR2.

Scott is absolutely terrible, not only has it equally trashy turret rotation speed of the Panzer III J - it is open top and reloads quite slow.

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its a long range unit, use it at long ranges then you wont have an issue

i wholeheartedly support the idea of a squad tipe that consists on light armored vehicles

I hope we eventually get a tier where the biggest tank you have to worry about facing will be a BT-7


This from WT would be a rather funny equivalent to the M13

Featuring 3x 15mm guns


Panzer III/N, Panzer IV F1 are in my opinion some of the best (of not the best) antinfantry vehicles. But Im okay with it being at BR 2 for the simple reason the t-28 and the Grant is (i think…might have got confused). M8 Scott is great aswell…just not quite as great.

They all have monsterous Anti infantry capability while still being vulnerable to most BR 1 AT options. (if 20mm armed Tanks got their “good” ammo it would balance further IMO)

Also differentiating them from the t-34, panzer Iv f2, sherman matchup which i think is good

as long as each side has access to similiar tools, its enough for me. (if we are going the balance route)

If one moves up, they all move up…and all is well

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I don’t care about having “light” vehicles in late battles, they were used all throughout the war. What would I only be able to use Pumas in Moscow!?!

Ahhhh…just like when i was a brand new starry eyed noob. Panzer IIs and T-60s ramming each other all day. loved it.

@Recker0315 me too. I made a suggestion I imagine for them :slight_smile: Mechanised/Support