Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

Non paywalled Mech inf prob coming with Ardennes campaign, since thats also slightly paywalled as a new style campaign pack.

Im hyped, but I do want to know the BR, thats pretty relevant.


Are you running out of models or what? Re-using NKVD’s great coat and finally remember there’s a black visor cap in editor?
Where are your character model makers?

This is a FPS game. You dont even bother to make some attracting character skins?

Just give you an idea of how close you are pricing cyber stuff to an actual stuff. When fiction world is almost as expensive as a real world’s ones. I’d rather get a real one. At least I can resell it.


I think anyone should know that ‘maps’=“playable areas within the game”, so you don’t have to dwell on the abstract and avoid real issues



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That’s way more expensive than those packs (Stalingrad and Pacific) for $20-25 i wouldn’t mind getting those two APCs but for $40 hell no. I’m hopeful that another one will be unlockable for free. Mobile rally points could be too strong to be left for only premium squads for who know how long.

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well I guess I have to get one :smiley:


Don’t worry. You don’t need them. Apart from that, the maps are not big enough. The apc´s will be pure fodder for the anti tank soldiers. Then the junk also blocks up the access roads for the tanks. Each killed vehicle fully maned with soldiers will be a nice ticket bleed. lol. Really well thought out. As always.


Campaign packs will enter general unit pool after a set amount of time, so yes, if US mech inf is coming with Ardennes ill be available to everyone (if after a period of time)

Be USA :

Build M3 Half track for every one, but do not get mechanized infantry. Nice.

Let me guess, Free variant will be obtained through a limited time event ?


god i hope not. you would think with the new research tree system they could just slap the free APC in there instead.

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Can it towing anti-tank gun? Or any plan about this?


You would think that they could just slap free para in the new system as well…


what weapon you would tie the squad to though? this is a serious question btw. since the paratroopers weapon are either premium/special crap or empty, and right now unlocking new squad/soldier class are tied to weapons.

Can we add a weapon crate on this vehicle so it can help out the new players So it’s not just for the premium players

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Only vehicle should be tied you could be able to switch to the any weapon that you could unlock/buy with gold weapon order

Can i ask what BR the vehicle itself is? As in can you equip its crew for any BR?


… yeah, but we’re talking paratroopers there. are you saying we gonna research the airship used to drop the squad?

I summoned the mystical @ErikaKalkbrenner and all of her cosmetic ways


I can’t use hearts so take this instead :heart_decoration:


I just wonder why ussr got apc but yanks didn’t.
A bit uncool if you ask me.