Pre-order: Armored Personnel Carriers!

I just wonder why ussr got apc but yanks didn’t.
A bit uncool if you ask me.


Hopefully there is a tech tree version with selectable variats :slight_smile:



think positive and maybe it means the yankee get free APC instead?

… yeah, i don’t believe that either. more probable it’s for future premium squad. gotta pace them paid stuff after all.

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I have a feeling we can expect a free version to drop not too long after

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Can you confirm what BR the base vehicle is?

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wait, are you talking about free APC or the air dropped tank?

A bit odd considering the new maps, maybe there is more to come.

Big fan of the LVT-4 carrier for the yanks though…that would be sweet


APC… although something like a locus would be cool for an air drop tank

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There’s an MG34 on it and Browning on the other one so it’s gonna probably be tier 3

They can. They’ve explicitly said that they don’t want to.

it will have free version with events

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It’s a good thing that such vehicles get added.

Less good that they’re premium only.

But I don’t worry, since I strongly suspect that their main role in battle will be drawing heavy fire on themselves and being juicy targets.


Someone’s dream has finally come true. Although the greedy snail never changes.


Are you kidding me?

that jeep seems destroyed. Probably just an map decorator without any use

  1. Are you gonna unlink Stalingrad from BR (3)-4-5 map pool?
  2. Are you gonna unlink PPS-42/43, FNAB-43, Pz IV J from Stalingrad?
  3. Are you gonna unlink Crusaders and Matildas from the Pacific?
  4. Are you gonna swap Volkssturm suits and weapons for something else unless they are in Berlin?
  5. Are you gonna make BR 3 play only against BR 4 and 2?
  6. Are you gonna make the same weapons, gear, equipment usable by soldiers in different BR presets?

Until those are fixed I couldn’t care less about spending money on the game.


Park that behind some cover, 90% it’s gonna be another assaulter squad with more assaulter than f2p squads anyway. And no time waste for building rally + faster to get to the front. Also 99% sure it’s like bike slot so doesn’t block tank so why not.

P2W garbage yet again, whales will be happy though, but for how long they will have something to shoot at other than bots.

Game isn’t even going downhill, striaght freefall


they said her about the new
And this is just one of the new features that the upcoming update will surprise you with.

This will be a nice addition to your mod :stuck_out_tongue:

(Even though you effectively already had one :slight_smile: )


of course they’re all premiums, we haven’t had free paratroopers yet and yet you want free half-tracks already? maybe next year one can only hope

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