New class: Guerrilla

That’s just the preorder name tag decor, I think…


It means that bad players in losing team will not be able to use the partisans in an abusive way (if those are already in the game - are they? Or just the decor?).

But one of the original arguments was about good players in winning team being able to spawn camp the losers, the other argument was the increased blitzkrieg/bum-rushing (hey I just learned a new word on the forum :slight_smile: )/zerging possibility with same players.


3 days have gone by, and not a single answer for it.


" fuck us " i guess.
can’t win over some higher up’s intrusive thoughts, that’s for sure.

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(You know I was just teasing him this time, right?)


Not even the wheel?
Enlisted Meme - General VIII The Fox Lovs Wheels



Quite opposite. In other games it is very common that some players are always trying to cap the locked objective. Why ?

Because they hope that “their team will cap previous objective and they will be first to cap next one”.

Sometimes it works, but more often it fails.


We need Poland as well!

In your example it’s quite unlikely that the ones attacking the next objective are also capable of stopping the defenders from sending reinforcements, as there is more than 550 meters between the two points. In Enlisted there are many linear layouts where one spawn location is the next objective, so spawncamping AND early capping can be done with the very same unit, without needing to run 5 minutes between the two locations.

Or am I mistaken?

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That picture was only a generic image, not a specific example, but you are right here.

Yes, when a team lose one point, they have a short-lived spawn point in the next objective.

So - when that point is infested with spawn-campers partisans, they can immedietely cap next objective, without giving any chance for defenders.

But… objectives in Enlisted are always hidden and some are random:

So - in average crap match, partisans will not have any significant impact other than annoying spawn-camping.

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Another match, another sad example that this pre-order is nothing but a fee for bad skills.

And yet…

They won! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah sometimes good players can carry the game despite the baggage.

we need team deathmatch
and forget the objective focus game.

thats what people are already playing…


we are trying but there is always some dumbass capturing the objective :sob:


"Hating snipers, sure, but the rest of those classes are definitely contributing:

  • Mortars spam HE shells on objectives, clearing paths.

  • CAS can wipe out enemies, making it easier to capture points.

  • Radiomen annoying artillery strikes.

  • Riders actually rush objectives. ( but who plays rider class idk)

  • Fighter pilots take out enemy CAS, letting your team move freely.

  • Tanks eliminate enemy tanks, preventing HE spam from their side.

Snipers? Unless you’re a pro dropping 2-3 squads quickly, otherwise

you’re better off playing the objective."


Haha, I got mouthed off at the other night for not “helping” in my fighter plane.

Was kind of amusing, considering we were winning and the lads on the ground werent getting bombed or farmed by tanks…LOL

even after we won he was still ranting as the game closed lol


Exactly my point!

That new class. it’s receiving the same treatment as anything not engineer or assaulter.

It will be disliked by everyone whose only focus is press W but disregard all the other fun aspects the game has to offer.

… I too got called often as a pilot (you’ve seen my screens, I don’t die easily up there), yet I find funny being top of the list when that happens, after I took out more tanks and enemy pilots than anyone else in the team, especially the ones usually complaining.

I’m curious about the new class. I’m giving it a chance, benefit of the doubt. I doubt devs will allow it to be broken (they might exaggerate nerf it like they did paratroopers if it’s too powerful) but I doubt it will be menace… just a fun new stealthy f*cker type of gameplay.

again. We will see (still need more info)


Rent free, this is just pathetic

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I mean I get your point but snipers are only “bad” if they sit back and just pick people off, they can be good for defense or sniping defenders on the objective. Also the AVS-36, MKB42, and STG44 “sniper rifles” can be used in sniper squads as a more versatile assault squad.

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