New class: Guerrilla

Wow, I really thought better of you, what a shame.

But your point is not really a strong one, since snipers are literally my favorite infantry class.

The reasons why I don’t like this squads are completely different and they’re very valid.

This class will be hated by anyone who is strictly opposed to the gray zone being a legitimate gameplay factor. And anyone who believes that spawn camping is not a fun way to play the game.

This class will be especially loved by the type of players who currently place AP mines under enemy rally points and think how hilarious it is.Trolls who deliberately have fun frustrating their opponents. Trolls who degrade the quality of the game environment. People who constantly bully new players on low BRs, while having bizarre arguments as to why they don’t like high BRs

That was the main signaling to me about this class…Not fussed about the class, itself…just the implication “grayzone is here to stay!”

BUT…I dont hate the class, Nor am I fussed about what It can do (I like the scavenging ammopouch though!) …Just sad that it sounds like Grayzone is locked in now…

…I HATE grayzone…No making plays from the Bench!!..but at least if they are never gonna change it, I have one option to get rid of it…

I like this idea too. I think this feature on its own would be more than enough for this class. (Even though I don’t like the idea of partisans participating in battle over front line)
There never was a need to introduce greyzone infantry. And I really can’t comprehend how anyone can think that’s a good idea.

I dont think its about being a “good” idea…its just an attempted compromise. there are 2 pretty vocal camps, One that hates grayzone in its entirety, while the other Demands it as necessary to protect tanks and prevent spawn camping.

…its a valid “idea” for a compromise…perhaps not my prefered, or yours for that matter. We all have different goals.

This greyzone infantry is not a viable solution to the greyzone tanks issue. On the contrary, it’s just an additional problem on similar foundations.
Yes, they will bully greyzone tanks from time to time. But for all the other players who won’t be able to play this class for whatever reason (for example f2p players can only have 3 infantry squads, and they would prefer other ones than guerrillas). Greyzone tanks will still be a problem for them. In the meantime, they also have to deal with this new toxic problem.

If they truly wanted completely remove grey zone tanks issue, they could have remove greyzone for every class. It would be at least a fair. Everyone could counter each other, everyone could spawn camp (if that’s what DF is pushing now).

sounds good, Ill take it!

then they can work on other forms of spawn protection…

  • Invisible spawning staging area (Heroes and Generals)
  • Being Spotted/ marked on map when withing a certain radius of staging area
  • Staging area destroys projectiles and mines (Post Scriptum)
  • AI artillery being called in on people snooping around in staging area
  • having maps remove LOS to spawning areas
  • Sound cue, Radio message goes out warning and giving away forces inside staging area.

etc etc

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“Wow”, I really don’t care what you think at that point. But, I really don’t think much of you anyway
so no shame here.

All you do is piss (pun intended) on those with different opinions than yours…

But to educate you one last time because you clearly fail to grasp what’s what:

  • one. I’m not talking about you. Even if you believe I do.
  • Two. What I said, is my opinion. Since it’s not even a debate there’s no such thing as “my point is not even a strong one” which is just what YOU think anyway and as such has no value.



There’s some good points being brought up. But guys, please, don’t turn it into a personal battle…

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When clarification on Volkksturm with fur hats in the desert?




Or if no fur hats, cavalry?




Did you see actual guerrillas or just the decorators?
Btw. the left side partisans look more natural in the tractor plant than the soldiers. :slight_smile:

But they don’t do camping massacres in the Gray Zone

The function of the gray zone is to allow anti-intellectual groups to survive for a few more seconds.
At the same time, it provides a safe attack range within a reasonable range.
Instead of letting a group of guys who can steal your weapons prevent you from getting out of the spawn point

They should be responsible for their own choices
Instead of crying that the explosive bag in your hand cannot fly to the tank 150 meters away
Nor should they cry about why they were massacred by a camper in an area with a good view.
Before they cry, they should think about why they were massacred.

If they think their anti-intellectual behavior should be respected
Then they should also respect tactics and equipment utilization based on rational thinking.
Instead of constantly crying and asking for more living space for them in a way that destroys the gameplay and environment.

I saw people who have bought pre-order pack and their score [ 19 / 12, 13 / 12, 32 / 9 and 18 / 6 ] gives me a hint why there is so much need of spawn-campers partisans.

At very best they will be use for spawn-camping (TNT on a rally point), but usually - playing a walking simulator - 300- 400 m on foot to place a TNT on enemy tank, which eventually will be destroyed by a plane / other tank, before a spawn-camper will reach a half-way.

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Not every map is the armored train escort, 300-400m is highly exaggerated. It is mostly under 100m from the edge of the grey zone.

No one will complain about grey zone tank if they will be destroyed that quickly.

Nothing is exaggerated. Tanks can kill each other at 300- 400 m or more:

And there will be no special spawn for partisans at the edge of a map.

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That is the distance from your grey zone to enemy’s grey zone. You can spawn at the rally in the front line.

Players will already run inside the grey zone if the enemy tank is reachable before you die.
So the guerrilla squad will do the same but can go deep inside the grey zone.
As a result the time that player spend to counter grey zone tank will not increase significantly since they are already doing similar stuff.

Well looks like both of us had no luck, they don’t have a unique look at all and just reuse the existing green uniform.

inshallah the event squad shall redeem me