Calvary units

With nonsense like “gorilla” squads, I don’t see why they shouldn’t add cavalry as well.

It doesn’t matter at this point. It definitely won’t hurt the game more than guerrillas.


The partisans would be more suitable for special operations



Will not be a great idea right a the start of the game a horse will be a big target for HE from tank camper

Come on buddy, everyone thought that the paratroopers could dramatically change and unbalance the game, but it turned out that it does not have a strong impact. I don’t like a lot of things about this place. But of the up-and-coming games right now, what? Well Arma 4 or the new Battlefield. Everything else is garbage where you take 10 minutes to get to a point. And clan players on the server take equipment and you still have to roleplay. We’ll get through it like we used to. Again with their complaints will adjust the movement of the game in the right direction.

I was one of the paratroopers’ advocates. And I’ve always suggested just small tweaks that could have improve their balance. Nothing drastic.
I never thought of them as being a major problem to gameplay or balance.
And the way they are now, I think they’re overnerfed.

Guerilla class on other hand is fundamentally toxic concept (from my perspective).
I don’t like the idea of greyzone being gameplay feature. Especially for one specific class.
From my perspective, grey zone tanks were and still going to be issue. And this is not proper solution. Quite contrary, DF is just introducing another issue. Grey zone infantry.

Playing outside of playable area, spawn camping and other utterly toxic factors are problem for me.
They’re to problem to balance factor to the game, just look greyzone tanks were not.
But they’re problem to quality of life for average player. I am very sure they’re going to be one of main sources of frustration, trolling and toxicity.
And I don’t see any good reason that could justify adding something like that to the game.


Yes I agree that it is necessary to make idle allies storm the points rather than: Sniping, sitting behind a mortar and hiding on a tank in a gray zone. However, I see this squad as situational.
That is, well adequate person would still prefer 6-7-9 regular squad from the pumping (well, or just me). We all play with guerrillas and throw them in the warehouse, sometimes getting them. Eventual radio operators, machine guns horn, as well as other garbage. Except for the event paratroopers and apc with 75mm, event squads let’s just say for a big buff.

We don’t even know how TT version will look like. Commonly TT Squad have very different composition from event/premium squads.

Just because premium squad lacks engineer (Who’d be useless in this squad. Since a rally point in a grey zone is kind of pointless, allies wouldn’t be able to spawn there. And you don’t need ammo box, since you have plenty of ammo for any weapon you pick up off the ground.) doesn’t necessarily mean, that TT squad is going to have same soldier composition. So there’s possibility this squad is going to be even more toxic.

I really don’t like the basic concept. I think it’s wrong. And I think it’s going to cause more frustration than anything else.

And I hope they are not putting this in the game in the context that this will be some sort of counter against grey zone tanks.

If that’s the case, they should probably start playing their game a bit more.

But whatever, I don’t want to derail this topic.

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After cutting Kurtz, I think the threshold for my disappointment will no longer be exceeded. I won’t be buying this package.
And I’ve long ago instilled in my head that this is the project I’m moving with only because there’s nothing else.
Don’t get your hopes up, you won’t get a big disappointment.
Just enjoy the moment, from my observations the game industry is getting more and more disappointing every year. And it seems to me that the times of enlisted, no matter how we criticize it, we still in 5 or 10 years will remember with some warm nostalgia. I wish I were wrong…

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Horses were, as I understand it, used exclusively for logistical purposes in WW2. I’m given to understand that the stories of cavalry charges against tanks were either fabricated, or embellished.


They still can, but a lot of people just drop them above CPs which usually goes as well as it sounds, even before they get nerfed.

From what I understand, only gurileas are able to enter GZ. So I’m not sure if there will be more classes as they would have to be left behind or something.
At least that’s how understand the posts under the news topic.

I don’t understand what are you talking about. I was just speculating about composition of TT guerillas vs premium ones.

I suspect TT gurileas will have only guirellas, no extra classes.
Because only guirella soldiers can enter GZ. That’s how I understand news posts and comments.

Classic scheme: release overbuff - then whining on the forum, cut back - then again the whining of those who bought and do something in between.

I see.
Yes, that’s possible. But any soldier in an APC squad can drive an APC. So I assume this could be a squad-based function as well. And thus they could include option of having soldiers of other classes in this squad.

I guess.
But that was the excuse to not add engineer to the prem squad. I guess we will see.

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if it where for people like you, game wouldnt change

I just want to know the benefits of horses in this game that justify the resources and effort…
especially since WW2 didnt really see them outside of logistics and the 1/100 battles.


They would only really benefit br1 they would be a free squad that you get as a starter. I personally agree with your points and believe they are valid but it would be good just for br1 players