Oh yeah. I can’t wait for useful cavalry charges in Berlin, where horses get stuck in trash piles and other shit and get wiped out instantly by the camping Tiger 2 and artillery, not to mention the masses of snipers and automatic rifles that will either instantly kill the rider or horse. Then only to do what? Melee? Bots are better at this.
Or cant wait for Polish horses to charge the hills of Normandy only to get Obi-Wan Kenobied by the high ground… if the horses don’t get stuck in the barbed wire.
9/11. Please add it.
Come on buddy, everyone thought that the paratroopers could dramatically change and unbalance the game, but it turned out that it does not have a strong impact. I don’t like a lot of things about this place. But of the up-and-coming games right now, what? Well Arma 4 or the new Battlefield. Everything else is garbage where you take 10 minutes to get to a point. And clan players on the server take equipment and you still have to roleplay. We’ll get through it like we used to. Again with their complaints will adjust the movement of the game in the right direction.