New class: Guerrilla

I think Guerillas should have 6 members. I view it how Paratroopers are an elite unit and they have 6. It seems like a decent number

6 troops that can pierce behind enemy lines and grey areas, without too many limits, would probably be too OP. I think 4 is reasonable, especially considering their unique abilites.


Oh my the memories…

Same. It was a mess, but a funny mess. Tactics were so important here…

Maybe Enlisted will evolve this way one day, who knows!


confrontation with steroids. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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meanwhile average enlisted player:


I don’t think they will be OP. I think they will mostly be played the same way everyone else does just attacking the objective

Are paratroopers necessarily OP. Even when they drop directly onto the point they’re vulnerable. It’s all circumstantial

If these Guerillas are going to be used as their role intends that means they have to survive all the way to make it to the enemy gray zone in the first place


True, but concealing 4 soldiers is easier than 6.

And no, Paratroopers aren’t OP in my opinion. Sure they have a larger play area in that they can drop behind enemy lines, but all the paratroopers I’ve encountered die pretty quickly. Especially when they’re still dropping. :slight_smile:

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I think it should be 6, but I’d settle for 5……for now

depends which paratroopers… soviet or US definitely, low BR japanese not at all. they are mostly OP cause of their versatility(and good starting weapons) and option to drop anywhere in playable area. certainly if you use them stupidly they are vulnerable like any other squad, but if used correctly they are best squad you can possibly have.

Because DF map design isnt as bad as Retos map design.

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I encountered a stack of 3 partisans… and as I expected, only one of them was a decent player.


It means ppl have nothing to fear because they are already bad and the new class won’t make them better?


bigger maps more objectives open to capture at the same time
Hng was fun
you could camp and make incredible shots
ambush enemies as paratroopers
paras descending hunting campers :laughing:

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What is the point of bigger maps if you still need to cross the same two easily defendable bridges because the map is always divided by at least one river?
Or when you can’t drive through half of the map because of those goddamn stones and rocks they put everywhere?

Oh yeah. The bushwookies were so goddamn present that it resulted in the vast majority of people not capping or defending directly, making the rivers even more painful.

Unless you played war where people never put them to the frontline because of whales stacking.

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and LONG.

compare that to enlisted rushy rushy nature.

Long distance sniper SHOTS :sunglasses:

It was not fun. It was shit.
No one wants to play 30mins just constantly failing to get E4 because defenders have map advantage, the high ground, more tickets, and better spawns—at least not all the time.
If it was fun, HnG wouldn’t have need bots to fill the matches,

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that was when its last days :smirk:

Huge battle mod (forgot the name srry!) is for you then

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I knew that exist
but never tried.

In werbig station?

They took BR2 to top BR?