Hi dear James.may i know this squad is possible to perk +35 HP. how about perk point for premium squads.
If I had to guess it would be the Kokumin Giyū Sentōtai (Volunteer Fighting Corps). While mainly built as a home army defense unit made up of civilians turned militia, there was some evidence of similar design that actually fought: Most notably the Takasago Volunteers who were mostly Taiwanese or a mix and were very much built for jungle warfare and survival. They participated in places like the Solomon islands and the Philippines
I’m pretty sure this class will make me stop building rally points entirely.
There’s nothing more annoying than having to build rally points every 30 seconds.
Building rally points is already way too boring.
should get a sharpened stick spear as a melee weapon option
hell yeah. lets put units normaly placed kilometers behind front directly to square kilometer battlefield. i want to know how they appear in trench held by enemy
I think Major already said they currently consider the AA buffs to be fine. Ive already asked for both in a previous write up, so 1 thing at a time:
What I think is that all basic Engineers have a basic AT and AA gun
AT squads either just have the unique Flak Cannon, or they have a higher quality AT and AA gun, or both
I mean the playerbase prob totally agrees, just developer resources need to be prioritized;
I feel that perhaps the event will add French resistance to the US military.
What is coming for Japan? The Iron-Blooded Imperialists of the Battle of Okinawa? No way, schoolgirls in sailor uniforms? Wow.
This is what I wanna know. They should have the same mechanic as the Soviet Paras, where they use tech tree weapons. Soviets should get a new premium para with a special paratrooper weapon too.
Pretty insane that we have MULTIPLE tech tree FG42s, but paratroopers? Nah
To my understanding new classes will now come with premium and event variants, so for Japan specifically there would be 2 partisan squads available this fall (hopefully)
Are the event squads gonna come with cool partisan opponent weapons?
Seeing the AT gun meta just take the HE and give them HVAP as their secondary option to AP/APHE/SPCBC please
Or give them HVAP and HE
The whole point is to stop the retarded HE spam from the edges of the map for shitters to kill farm the point
AT gun HE spam is rare enough it’s funny
What money I would pay for a 12.8cm PAK 44 squad…
Ok but enough about the future, this is about the partizans!!!
I think that Italian Partisans or Filipino Guerrillas would also be cool. Alternatively, OSS would work well in any campaign setting.
Its not rare by any means
Doubly so during events
Bamboozled again, inb4 its gonna be dirt covered holdouts with looted US webgear and either M1 carbine or M1A1 Thompson