New class: Guerrilla

Its not rare by any means
Doubly so during events

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Bamboozled again, inb4 its gonna be dirt covered holdouts with looted US webgear and either M1 carbine or M1A1 Thompson


i like it… finally grey zone will not stop defenders to utterly destroy camping attackers… not to mention who can say no to spawn camping :stuck_out_tongue:

btw i hope they have a plan for when it backfires and they need to nerf/remove them.


Oh god it’s even worse the more you think about it

i can literally spawn camp on a rally point by putting myself at a safe distance and you won’t even be able to respond because there is no spawn protection

it will be worse than AP mines in rally points


Then paratrooper should be nerf heavily since it will be too op.

Does anyone know what the bump (cylinder shape thing) on the right side of the mp40 is?

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Might be a brass catcher, partisans were known to rig them together.


You can already reach most rally point anyway. Those that are built deep in the grey zone have little effectiveness.

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Thanks, for clearing that up, also its nice to see it’s not a carbon copy of the original mp40

I think you haven’t understood the most fun part. I expect that all 5 TNT might be placed and then detonate with one push of the detonator. KA BOOM! Ahahahahhaa, I’m so excited for this feature.

It’s pretty useless without the bag attached to it, as seen in picture:



Into the enemy lines and beyond up to their spawns. You can go into the grey zone brother.

Yes you can place all 5 of them and detonate them afterwards с:


Which just confirmed my another excitement true. I will be able to run up to the enemy tanks spawn choke points and possibly blow up two tanks at near start with one soldier. Groovy! Ahahahahahaha, I will. Thanks for the head up James!

Personally I don’t mind a class being able to penetrate the gray zone, but I want this guerilla class removed on integrity grounds. Simply put we’re going to end up having German partisans sneaking around the shores of D-Day. This game may not be uber realistic but we should have some standards

Personally I think the Paratrooper should have the ability to drop into the gray zone, but that is a whole debate. I’m fine for the foreseeable future the current gameplay standard we have now, than have these guerillas


Russian Partisans in Berlin?
German Partisans in Normandy and Near Moscow?

It was intended to be a slight departure from historical accuracy.
It would be better if instead of this class a commando class or special forces were added, which actually harassed the enemy behind the front lines.

Additionally, how will they be able to enter the grey zone? On the flank, or will they be able to sit 20m from the spawn point and harass the enemy?


Hmmm, valid point, but hey, I’m up to anything as long as it is fun. All that crying about historical realism makes me dizzy. It’s a game with it’s game like constraints. For me, first it’s a fun free WW2 shooter, secondly it’s quite realistic when come to gear and vehicles. I don’t expect it to be anything else. So in your example, if some village guys were able to place stolen TNT on the beach prior to the major attack, I’m down for it. It’s a game not a documentary.

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Maybe a volksturm squad with the select fire version of the VG1-5?


Brother. It’s a game not your history class. The historical accuracy fell apart long time ago. Why don’t you historians just build rally points and attack the zone.