New class: Guerrilla

Why didn’t Germany just build rally points in ww2? Are they stupid?


Keep it civil and on-topic. Thanks.

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That’s the problem, everyone draws their line differently.

I view it as the game as of now is a purely military frontline battle. Sure this or that division may not have fought on this or that map/battle, but at the very least it still maintains the sense that you’re fighting a battle.

Civilian partisans skulking around tarnishes that. I would say that I would have no problem with a gray zone ability if Paratroopers as of now had it

I’ll put it this way, I don’t care that you have Panzers directly assaulting the beaches of Normandy, but German partisans stalking the beach is pushing it


bamboo lance 3 meters minimum

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please give Japanese militia anti-tank spear and anit-personal bamboo lance


I think Guerillas should be preemptively removed.

However if the devs refuse to remove them then I think they should not be added to the Research Tree. Let them stay the gimmick event and we move forward


This is like a sapper class, guerillas seems interesting addition, it would be good to have destroyable bridges and such to slow down enemy attacks (like Big Action already does).

Please don’t forget Tanks customization in different maps, Moroccan and SAS troops in shorts on Normandy (Bulge ok).

These changes welcomed, keep up good work! Will likely preorder when out on console :+1:

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I mean use planes because I have too, but as a non wallet warrior, I have to pick either a plane or a tank, sadly I dont get the luxury of choice.

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Fair but that was genuinely the funniest thing I’ve seen on this forum lmao

I’ve been playing Enlisted longer than you and I know what the creators said about historical accuracy after the merge. But German partisans near Moscow is an exaggeration. The IS-2 in Stalingrad is acceptable, but German partisans?


Personally I think they should have called it a Commando Group, I mean you could classify some more notable partisan groups under the commando flag, while also satisfying the demands of others, think we could see SAS redesignated, the OSS, Brandenburgers and so on.

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The fedoras are cool as fuck

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lmao. did you see how their gray zones are set? i didn’t too. we need first to see which zones will gorilla have, then make a conclusion. tbh, i’d like to camp at enemy spawn too, because there’s nothing to do else in this game

No but I saw their drip which is cool AF so I’m hyped

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I preemptively propose for you to be voted out of the forum for killing the fun buzz in a FPS game about WW2. When the new class was first announced I have said to my friends I play with it’s gonna be a SPY class. I wasn’t far. This is the spy class. I would advise everyone to treat it as such. It’s not a squad you gonna permanently put into your regular loadout unless you madman like me who loves to hunt enemy tanks on foot. For me destroying tanks on foot is like the best fun this game offers. I don’t care about your realism, historical accuracy. I have 4 slots, never paid a dime. Never will. I just want to have some fun in a good free shooter experience that delivers across continents. Unlike Hackerfield series from EA. So, for gods sake please. Stop crying - the game is free. Last night I destroyed KV-2 with two shots from my Tiger E bought by free golden ticket earned in game. every time I see Premium vehicles in this game I am like “This will be good” - and detonate them KA-PooOOOW!. What do you people keep crying about. PTW, historical realism, matchmaker this or that, Steam release greedy, events too many, events not enough of them cause someone has a job, bring back the campaigns (why you keep playing), AP mines too buffy, that gun, this gun… None of your issues bothered me throughout last 18 months. 30 days in the game ig. It’s a game. For comparison maybe 2 years ago I bought BF 5 on sale. Played for a day and realized every server was in Asia where I reside, was full on hackerfield. So yeah, no thanks. Yet I bet many of you keep playing that utter garbage of a game due to its state. Ubisoft just collapsed, EA will collapse too. In the meantime all of you devotees keep throwing stones at a studio that gives you free games. Idk. It’s not fair. Never was. Enlisted recently became just a great free game imo. Build the rally points and attack the zone or harvest with plane or tank, deliver truck. Everything else is sugar or as some of you claim “IT IS VERY IMPORTANT HISTORICAL DETAILS THAT WE SHALL GAZE UPON”. It seems like some of you are about to dig the ground for the missing victims of WW2 atrocities that happened on every side of the conflict. In that case, enjoy digging. For me, Enlisted is a magnificent WW2 experience that is encapsulated into 30min gameplay unlike HLL or SQUAD. Game is clunky at times, but I have a blast almost every evening for 1-3h. Bye


For historical accuracy they should add trenchfoot


this entire mechanic will be a total flop if the spawn areas of every map dont get adjusted.

Tank spawns are “usually” further back than infantry spawns - and to reach a true grey zone camper, you would still have to cross the forbidden area of infantry spawn.

  • I say “usually”, because spawn areas are extremely inconsistent in Enlisted, in many maps vehicle spawns are so close to the battlefield that you can ALREADY reach new spawned tanks before your “return to battlefield timer” runs out.

Infantry AND vehicle spawns need to be adjusted in order for this mechanic to make any sense.


THey are WAYY too overpowered. The ability to run in enemy Territory is enough, that’s nice cool feature and really strong ability.

This one is BS, yes that is certainly too much explosives, no dude runs around with whole ammo shop.
Imagine this Tryhard Player in your zone spamm throwing TNT… no it’s very dumb. make them carry one like the rest and have to bring Grenade pouch to get more, just like the others.
Your asking for idiotic gameplay and abuse.
Tanks are easy to take out, they should be somewhat safe in greyzone, you deal with them Planes or other Tanks.
This Class will cause mayhem in spawns against Infantry and Tanks won’t be able to even leave spawns.

this oen this in with the other one, that is way too overpowered, they will never have to care about conserving ammo, it will only lead to more rushed idiotic spray n pray gameplay, that’s the least we need.

The enter Enemy Territory is a cool feature, albeit need to be carefully watched and restriced especially around spawns, but a warehouse of TNT and endless supply of ammo… cmon

Guerilla is about having some shit guns, some Explosives, set a trap and ambush enemy and do some damage then sneak away.

these 2 features will make them into special forces Rambo oneman Army.

The Tryhard of this game will abuse the FCK out of it.

Running around killing Tanks and APCs before they even get chance to orient and start driving and run around like Rambo slaughtering Infantry in their spawns and never have to stop, just pick up one weapon after the other, no care in the world for ammo, jsut spray and let carnage unfold.

I’m telling you, restrict the TNT and Ammo just same like the others so you have to choose more ammo or TNT, or mix n match, more fun variet and more fun customizing ur setup for ur preferred playstyle.

But whatever don’t make them into Rambo Special Forces.

Guerilla and Partisans is some dudes with little to some combat training and whatever get hand on Weapons and Gear, and should thereafter be portrayed, again not like Rambo


For me, enlisted scratches the battlefield itch and is just fun stupid chaos. Solid 8/10 game


Bruh, did you even play the game? Gray zone is where you not allowed to step in as you move back when your team lost the cap point or vice versa. You know that slowly flashing gray part on the map when one of the teams just captured the point? Every time the point was captured the zones are adjusted for both teams. So, idk how to put it more simply - you just gonna be allowed to enter the parts of the map that all other squads cannot. You will be able to infiltrate enemy as they run towards you. Idk, my brain is fried from reading this forum. It made me realized who I play with. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Cheers guyz, hope I didn’t offend anyone sflakes. Cheers. Rum on ice, squeeze of lemon, coke to the edge.