New class: Guerrilla

I’d like to see a choice of choosing Front for preferred Maps, that way we can tailor abit beeeter Squads, Soldiers and Gear, and more immersive and historical.

Like for Germans , East and West Front, Afrika

Allies West Front, Africa, Pacific

This completely, though I enjoy the more down to earth elements of it too, like I love having to look out of the tank sights or if I want a better view of the battlefield, risk my commander peaking out of my turret. Which mind you annoys me to no end some tanks cant do.

Yes, thank you for encapsulating my chaotic drunk thoughts in one sentence. You Sir are a legend!

Can confirm. I regularly suicide bomb enemy rallies and armor camped in the grey zone as is.

Thats the worst idea they had up to date .They should limit it to one active squad at a time at least.
…and all armed with SMG ! Bravo ! wtf…
and all of that cause of some tanks camping … one , two bombing runs qnd the tank is history…
i like the game , but THIS could be a funbraker


…at first glance this does not sound like a good addition…but it remains to be seen if that new class “works” or if it screws things up down the line (my guess would be that it will be the latter as I can not see it working out → feels more like an instant troll squad?)


Yeah this feature of Rambo style with TNT to blow the enemy of Map together with Unlimited ammo is gonna play out great!
Wait till 2-3 tryhards team up against average enemy Team and starts wreaking absolute carnage INSIDE enemy part of Map.
Wow it’s gonna be amazing… What the Hell were they thinking?


This class literally made me consider quitting Enlisted.
It’s a complete and utter bizarre mess that goes against every fundamental aspect of the game.

Building rally points is going to be absolutely obnoxious, as even the ones that are further down the grayzone won’t be protected. And I’m really tired of building rally points over and over again.

This class is anything but playing objectives. Which is another really important aspect of the game. Just the fact that there’s gonna be other bodies missing on objectives is gonna be really noticeable.

I can’t wait for newbies to start complaining about spawn camp and even greater team imbalance.
All that crap about the class not being allowed to go or infantry spawn. I don’t really believe that. They’ll just wait 20m away for your protection to drop and then they’ll kill you. Ez.
This is literally an enormous problem WT. Now Enlisted is joining in.

This class is only fun for whoever plays it. Literally all the other players will just get on their nerves and be surreal annoyed by its existence…
I’m really considering not wanting to bother with this nonsense. And if this class will truly bring total chaos to the game, I will uncompromisingly stop playing it

I don’t play Enlisted that as much as I used to anyway, since grind has more or less disappeared in this game. And once the game gets an update, I can immediately get all the new content from get go.
I’m really tired of having zero progression, only waiting for fomo events.


Why not wait and see how it is when it releases


Are they able to take 5 mines in the same slots?

I understand that - as from you PV - but from mine the game keeps delivering, offers new things, updates, was never PTW as I joined, etc. I wish they could fic the jumping through windows and such, but hey, they have fixed the ladders. For me this game is all about FPS gaming on big ass maps, with vehicles, cannons and such. Gameplay is 30min max. Guns, sounds, artillery fire, smoking rounds, mines, engineering and many more things just totally make me happy. On the top I never spend a dime, wow! On the top of that met few great friends that I talk with everyday in our whatsapp group. Wow! Magic. We call it Gaijin magic - you might not like details, but the overall experience is better than anything else we have tried.


@_31420124242011 it work just for tnt

Yeah, I remember a lot of people where very skeptical about APCs back when they were added (myself included) but in the end they really didn’t change the core gameplay all that much.



Please avoid posting stuff who can be political in the news topic

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the worst thing in my mind - they cant build rallies and have only 4 men in their squad.
They are worthless while their ONLY good thing that they can do is trolling and spawnkilling.

in a real match where you have good players on both sides - this squad will be useless. The chance that you manage to spawn somewhere - do a big flanking run - and arrive into the enemy spawn area without losing your squad IN TIME to even “fight” some grey zone camper … yeah its literally ONLY a troll squad, and will only make one sided matches where people already can’t leave their spawn worse.

Let this mechanic come - I don’t care anymore, the devs have no Idea about game structure and it shows.


Same here.

But I already made my decision.

I take recent changes as an insult for me and other players who invested time and money here.

Players were asking - fix bugs / add Manchuria / add UK or Italy / Super Pershing / captured Panzerschreck for USA.

And developers gave free tanks for everyone + premium spawn-campers for idiots who are to sleazy to bomb (or even kamikaze) a grey-zone tank.

This is disgusting and unnaceptable. I take the NKVD squad and I delete game from hard drive.


you dont need to test spawn killings to know how it might be when it releases.


not true, the community here has been asking about removing the grey zone for two years now, now they get what they wanted - will spend money on such squads, not play the objective and lose even more matches now.

I see this as a win.


I prefer more dynamic solutions. I’ve suggested high velocity Flak Cannons as the ultimate weapon against tanks no matter how far away they are

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Boy Thump