New class: Guerrilla

Indeed We should see how the squad play first, imo go in the enemy gray zone is very situational and most of the time this squad probably is gonna fight on the objectives


some people also asked for a “spy” class which would patrol the grayzone, which is similar to what we got now


Let them use AT weapons to combat greyzone tanks


personally i dont care about rally points being destroyed(although it will be annoying), but spawn camping… we already have people complaining about few maps where spawn camping is possible either from grey zone or from playable area and now we get even worse version of it for all maps.

this will make balance even worse… just hope that they have exit strategy ready when this backfires.

over 90% of the matches have good players only on one side, so periods where they will be useful will be more than when they will be useless. is it OP squad? no. but it will be toxic squad.


The one change I might do is make it so that guerrillas can detect hostile guerrillas within their grey-zone inside a certain range. And even then, I wouldn’t do anything until we see how they actually play.

What are their maximum stats? (Soldiers & Guns)

Can you share the squads insignias? pls

No, many people like the HE. Only a loud minority of sweaty clan players cry for its removal. It’s not like it is difficult at all to kill a distant AT gun shelling the battlefield. They’re stationary and don’t have much health at all. An AT rifle kills them from any range with 2-3 shots.

I think Infantry Support Guns should be added as the HE alternative to AT guns

Compared to tanks spamming HE those are nothing

Just to be clear I’m not im favor of nerfing HE on tanks or removing them from AT guns!


They are 4 man squads with no engineer, so giving them some key strengths doesn’t seem overpowered to me.


Unfortunately I did not know the background of the partisan song “Bella ciao” well enough beforehand, but at least the version I attempted to post was apolitical. :slight_smile:

To stay on topic, I don’t like explosives spam so the new abusive squad put me in this mood:


Will you at least limit their simultaneous number on field to 1 or 2, or will it be full guerrilla warfare if unlucky?

(Not to mention the right side’s outfit feels for me as much out of place as the punk paratroopers felt.)

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I try not to be outright negative but this new class just sounds dumb.

Can’t really see how it will change the gameplay for the better.

It also confirms that the developers have no real intention of changing how the grey zone works since this new class seems tailor made to thrive off of its currently busted state.

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God bless

I simply think German partisans infiltrating the shores of Normandy is ridiculous

Even time traveling guns and vehicles is less of an issue because hey it’s a battle. Partisans just randomly showing up is worse.


We are waiting for event Apc for Jap’ and Russian and assault engeener for jap and USA…

So, will we wait for partisan Jap’ and Allied too ?


And if attacking, they will be the first thing you see after spawning… and probably the last.
Shoot, they could probably be a nuisance on defense as well.

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When we kill such a guerrilla with explosives or fire, will all his explosives blow up as well, possibly causing a chain reaction? 5 full sets of TNTs are hard to be protected from the elements of (Enlisted) nature…

I almost never someone make that because they get deleted by AT and tank after 1 min

That’s just the gamble of battle. Maybe you’re lucky and get a kill, maybe you get sniped while you’re building the AT gun. You have to accept all possibilities in the heat of battle

I personally have no clue what the drama is about.

  • 4 man stack running into say 2x7 man on average in the grey zone is going to be a complete waste of a spawn ticket most of the time
  • spawn points already need to be placed generally outside of grey zone, so their destruction/ APC destruction wont change at all.
  • if anything someone playing an infilitrator basically takes away from the CAP offense/defense anyways; so this is around the main area of the game

TLDR; I think these squads as presented will prob fucntion fine, are not a big deal and their restriction to 2 max if they are unbalanced will be a no-big deal.

Cool flavor, mid power to be honest.