New class: Guerrilla

Consider the feedback about uniforms:

Axis Guerillas: Volkssturm uniform in berlin, standard uniforms (larping as elite recon units) in Normandy, Tunisia, Moscow, Stalingrad/Rhzev & Ardennes.

Soviet Guerillas: Partisan uniform in Moscow, Stalingrad/Rhzev, standard uniform (larping as elite recon units) in Berlin.

Overall I think this will be a fun addition, but probably will require some calibration when in game to make sure it doesn’t result in too much griefing.


Given how shit the AI is they wouldn’t last long spawncamping. I really doubt it would be a serious threat and, it would just end up being a waste of time that doesn’t contribute to the team, kind of like snipers


thats the thing, ur going to run into 2-3 squads spawn camping (with no backup), and even vehicle spawn points will often start with APC and its crew guns blazing; I actually dont know if this squad will do anything serious to be honest :thinking:


I mean in Normandy and Tunisia, could even do them up as ostruppen/regular but beaten infantry of some type, just some units that cut off and abandoned behind enemy lines. Same for Stalingrad.

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In a typical crap match, half of a team is standing 100 m behind the point and snipe with Mosins 1907 / Kars98k.

Now - premium spawn-campers (partisans) + event spawn-campers + tech-tree spawn-campers.

Everyone walking everywhere, placing AT mines on roads + AP mines on enemy rallies. Everyone everywhere… but no one on the objective.


Well I’ll continue to play the objective regardless, so I dont see the issue, at least now my team instead of sitting at the back of the map will push up and harass the enemy allowing me to focus on the point.

so you have actually playtested it?


But they will be able to get to the enemy rally points from behind where no enemy will be running or even looking towards them

it is not about them being OP, it is about them being toxic. it is basically just introducing spawn camping from few maps where it was possible now, to all maps. they wont be a problem with somewhat equal teams, but it will make experience even worse when you get imbalanced match(which are majority of matches).

Yes, I saw a player chasing me 350 m away from objective with a demo-pack in his hand.

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I don’t think they will modify the grey zone for guerrillas that way.

I dont consider running into a likely 2 man team near my spawn zone with zero backup toxic; I consider it an easy game. :heart_hands: :vulcan_salute:

Look even in unbalanced matches, if stronger team leaves the CAP to hunt in spawn zone, just makes it easier to CAP anyhow. Like the squad is all sugar, no protein bros :smirk:


Is it going to be the Filipinos or French for the Americans?

Exactly. It will pull more players away from the objective. There are only two types of enlisted players. The ones that play the objective and the ones that don’t. The ones that don’t already outnumber the ones that do.

And though these Guerrilla squads probably won’t affect the conquest or confrontation game modes much, they have the potential to make invasion and assault much harder.

Whatever the average distance between Rally points and objectives are, this average number will significantly increase.

This will just make the steam roll even harsher. As well as make the “cant cap the first point” excruciatingly worse.

Another reason to quit matches early may have just been added.

We had these concerns when German 75mm cannon APC arrived; too much firepower for 1 side; counterpoint was that it takes away from actual bodies, and sure enough it totally did and the APC is generally considered fair.

I sincerely believe that remvoing a 6-9man squad with a 4 man squad with zero engineers and ability to do what exacly? sneak up on 20 guys spawning that auto kill you??

just like above you’re only removing bodies from large assault teams to waste precious time trying to enter a grey zone (that you have to RUN TO ),

I think these squads will be FUN for those who enjoy that playstyle, mathematically thyre basically worse than almost any other squad out there??? (except Rider class, PLEASE rework it!!)


They mentioned French resistance earlier

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Yes, that’s kinda my point. The whole class is selfishly concepted.
It’s only fun for the guy who’s playing it.

But overall it’s borderline useless, just extremely toxic. Ability to camp all rally points (including those in greyzone), ability to camp infantry spawns (even though you can’t be exactly inside them)…

And I really don’t understand why 4 men is something to be shamed on. Wow, you’re missing on out one engineer in comparison to any other premium squad.
You wouldnt be able to build rally points in enemy grey zone anyway, since your teammates couldn’t spawn there.
And you don’t need ammo box since you can pick any enemy weapon and have full ammo.

This squad is not contributing to healthy and interesting gameplay, it’s just pure toxic troll material. It is not proper solution to grey zone tanks.

And sorry for my English, I am writing this half asleep. I am pretty sure you got the points


Maybe they will have the Filipinos in the regular tech tree and the French for the event squad.

totally agee, theyre just sniper squad level bad, maybe even worse since they cant even stand up to assaulter squads.

I currently think they wont see much play long term, and primarily be played by loosing teams; they might get a tank kill here and there, where an aircraft was a better choice anyhow.


it will work that way… ffs even now you can spawn camp from large distances(200+m) on few maps, not to mention lots of maps where you have access to enemy spawn from smaller distance. if you can push even 50 or 100m into grey zone you will have access to easily spray down enemy spawn with smg/mg.

it all depends on who has those guerillas and who is he against. against veteran players they will mostly do shit, against majority of playerbase they will be extremely frustrating. any class with potential to spawn kill is toxic by itself. not to mention it is toxic to your team for not playing objective.

only positive thing i see from this is that i can finally hunt in grey zone for camping attackers instead of waiting for 25 minutes for match to end.

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