New class: Guerrilla

to be fair - Germany did actually do a lot of Sabotage operations - the attack on Poland is one great example, where Germany famously captured radio broadcasting stations, destroyed supply lines and prepared the way for the real forces to arrive - so calling those units “Guerrilla” isnt a bad idea.

you know, having Volkssturm fight at Moscow is obviously a mistake - but since we have skins that change depending on Battlefield, this isnt a real problem.

Even French resistance can be happening easily - as long as the Guerilla squad turns into a French resistance squad ONLY on Normandy maps.

But I always park an APC 51m from an objective, thats reachable for 100% of enemy team,

If someone is camping the far spawn for NPCs thats cool, ill jsut go win the game.

I get in WT its a big deal since whole team can do it, but this is Enlisted, u create spawns, that are even mobile and are worth much more in battle than noob basic spawns.

Key point:

Spawn destruction is much more effective/important in Enlisted than spawn camping, we’ve had it most of the game

I think even good player should/will still focus on spawn point destruction/APC destruction vs running 200m from objective just to get gun downed by 3 squads of noobies spawning.

Can I change their weapons ?

I bet they will be used sort of like medics - a worse assaulter squad with a situational ability that some people use, but not too many. I mean after a couple weeks I’m sure everyone will use them while it’s still new lol.

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we don’t even know how they gonna draw the boundaries. It’s not like the guerrillas get carte-blanche to the whole enemy battle area if we understand the news letter correctly.

They could do it like this:

or like this:

If they do it properly I don’t think it will a big problem at all.
Some maps/objectives will be worse than others, ofc. Especially in the beginning. But when time passes they will have the feedback/data to improve it.


In that case the whole class would be one big unnecessary gimmick.

And you wouldn’t be even able to place those 5 TNTs on majority of greyzone tanks. Since greyzone campers are not flanking. In most cases they just move 10m away from spawn, spot first enemy and since then they never move again. That’s classic gameplay of grey zone tanks.


I would like to recommend you to read the post to find the amazing part that they are free in the tech trees as well for research when the update comes.

Will there be a tech tree version?

Edit: Oh I’m dumb, looks like yes

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I would like you to actually read the update and see they are free. It isnt pay to win when you can get all of these for free via event and normal research. You must be the german with the eyepatch in the new squad.

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Plus event partisans:


In some regards and especially on some maps/objectives I believe they actually will.

My point is that it’s too early to evaluate the effect yet. We, the normal players, haven’t even play tested it.

I respect ppls opinions but think it’s exaggerated at this stage.

I’m also certain true dedicated grey zone campers will find new ways to circumvent this. So even if it’s a huge tool for infantry to deal with greyzoners it will certainly not be an uber easy “press W and kill this tank” like most ppl seem to think.


My speculations for the guerrilla squads for each tech tree faction

USSR: Soviet Partisans
USA: Free French? But knowing Enlisted, I feel like an American/British “paratrooper” squad would be more likely
Germany: Volk Sturm
Japan: Regular Japanese squad?

If they are going to add this Guerilla class then they have no excuse for not giving Paratroopers the ability to drop into grayzones too


Paras are much stronger tho. 6 men and a fully customizable loadout.

With in some cases much stronger guns too.

what kind of logic is that?

So why aren’t the rocket strike signal batallion on the research tree? I missed the event because of holidays and cameback to see that you could only buy it now to get it…

Can we keep the same M.O. for all the new squads???

I don’t think so.
Because I don’t see how they’ll contribute to a better gaming experience.
It’s not going to be fun to constantly lose rally points to them.
It’s not going to be fun to fight for objectives while some guerrillas are hunting 150m away camping tanks with TnTs. (Which will result in you missing the bodies needed for cap/fight)
It’s not going to be fun to encounter spawn camping more often.

All I see is frustration, while a few trolls will laugh at you with this class. But for the team, their performance will be more or less unnoticeable.

Does this game really need this class? Will it really make the game more fun?
I don’t really think that’s something we’ve been missing in this game.
It’s just going to bring frustration and chaos. I really don’t see anything significantly positive.

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Well, I love the concept, sue me.

It’s different and will probably be funny to use. As @Euthymia07 and @MajorMcDonalds said, SPAWN points will still be protected and civilians with smgs won’t be able to go near.

They will mostly be used to hunt tanks, apcs and rally points, with the bonus mortarmen and snipers.


Agreed, I think it could end up being miserable to play against but it’s conceptually funny and all the outrage around it is hilarious