New class: Guerrilla

Yes, it’s exactly suited for the type of players who place AP mines under enemy rally points.
So it’s no wonder you like it. You like to frustrate your opponents

But I certainly won’t continue playing a game that will make me unreasonably frustrated just for the enjoyment of others.


The devs ended up nerfing AP mines due to them being miserable to play against, they might do the same for guerrillas if they end up being that bad

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Then leave.

As someone who advocated for LONGER grind and LESS income, it’s clear you never gave a dime about newcomers and other players anyway, that much is clear.

That and that you keep saying you love to spend, for obviously, gained advantages.

More game “breaking” features inc?
If it has engineer its pure shit nuggetry.

Most likely someone already mentioned this but did not read comments much.

Eh that’s a bit harsh, I mean at least he is trying to give constructive criticism and not trying to turn the game into something it isn’t (HA weirdos)

Well I’m just waiting to see how it turns out xD If it’s really going to be that frustrating, I’ll leave.

Just giving my feedback now while there’s still time for devs to do something. That’s all.

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I suggested a while back Paratroopers being able to drop into the gray zone since historically that was basically their job, and they’re professional soldiers

Now we are getting civilian partisans

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That’s a fair point but I think it seems a bit silly to criticize something announced before getting the chance to actually try it.

Remember lads, keep fighting, you can make difference!

Is it? That guy is always extremely condescending and toxic to everyone disagreeing with him:

Honestly if he left, it wouldn’t be such a big loss for the community.

As far as people complaining about stuff goes I can respect that, unlike complaining about historical accuracy

Keep it civil guys, yeah? It’s pointless arguing over something that hasn’t been released yet.

I, as someone who likes to banzai into fights I can’t win, am looking forward to the new squad. It should make stuff interesting.

No engineers in the squad.


(I maintain the Japanese squad, should be ninjas.)

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Well then it might be decent feature, Thanks for Confirmation

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I spent hundreds (if not thousands) of hours in that game. I think I have a reasonable idea of what to expect from it.

I’ve always been opposed to making Grey Zone a gameplay feature. And Instead of solving issue of the greyzone tanks. They’re planning to add greyzone infantry.

I find that totally bizarre. They could have just get rid of greyone. Just make a protection circle around spawns.

But no, they’d rather make it a gameplay feature… Greyzone tanks v2, aka greyzone infantry.



As Major McSoon said:

I can see what they’re trying to do. Combat greyzone camping with a proper way to counter without it just being the typical “BoMb WiTh PlAnEs, Duh” type of argument.

Whether it’ll be a good mechanic or not, remains to be seen. And I’m sure there will be plenty of post-release balancing based on player feedback and the battle data the devs have. But it’s way too early to really speculate on it.


I have to agree that it is bewildering to see the grey zone being officially legitimized because of this new class.

Something that should be fixed is now here to stay. We don’t need to play this new squad to see that.

Then why restrict the solution to just one gimmick class? Huh?
As I have said, they could have just done this:

Without any need to make a greyzone a gameplay feature. Everyone could counter anyone.

Nah, they’re just adding another toxic factor. Greyzone infantry.
And they’re doing it on purpose. That’s completely fascinating to me…

Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it finally works when they’re released.


I am extremely pessimistic about this class. I just wanted to let people know.

It’s not like I can do something more about it.