New class: Guerrilla

Now - people ranting about grey-zone tanks.

After - people running 200 m inside the map to kill a tanker who dared to kill them before.

Watch the video I have posted - that guy who killed me with a demo-pack 350 m away from objective, he did not killed himself and redeployed after that. Unfortunately - these kind of people are the most interested in new mechanics.

did you even see what average match looks like? how many players actually use APC or build rally points? those players are still in minority and you can usually disable close spawns by destroying one APC or one rally point.

like i said squad isnt OP and it wont be that useful when teams are relatively equally matched, but the more imbalanced teams are, the more toxic guerilla squads will be and enlisted currently has majority of matches that are imbalanced. if spawning on mined rally point is frustrating, imagine how frustrating is to move 10m from your spawn just to be killed by some troll.

you know what happens when you constantly destroy close rally points? people build them in grey zone where you cant easily destroy them.

considering that we currently have maps where you can spawn camp from grey zone, i dont believe that giving access to enemy grey zone wont deteriorate situation. unless they completely redesign every spawn point to be absolutely protected. also to spawn kill, you dont need to have direct sight to their spawn, you just need to camp at choke points where they will emerge from after their protection ends.

well i am doubtful of guerilla effectiveness against grey zone campers for some maps considering that they will still keep infantry and vehicle spawn points protected. but we will need to see actual implementation before i comment on this further.

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One pro of this new squad. Being able to deal with AA campers!


People doing nonesense guerillas, driving vehicles colliding with rubble dungs exploding without seeing any enemies, flying planes in map with roof on top, they just make me win faster when less people defending or trying to capture capzones.

Gimmick feature, it has its purpose to deal with border farming tank nuggers so you can continue farming sessions on games that are already won.

Yeah you could farm tanks in rear area but then again they just farm same dunglets that do not contribute anything in their existence.

I dont see much threat here, paratrooppers in other hand are useful.

What ever the end result is, i keep winning.

Bad players will just stay bad, nothings changing in this front.

ForlorN: you know what happens when you constantly destroy close rally points? people build them in grey zone where you cant easily destroy them.

Well at that point just stick to ur shite noob spawn if ur far away; I always run 2 APCs in almost every BR build simply to quickly rush a replacement. Thats 100% better than building a rally far away rally. tldr Close rallies or loose the game.

ieie none of this is threatening to the metagame. If a player thinks running 400m to my noob spawn is gonna be relevant with a 4 man squad go right ahead. Im pretty sure the zones will change since ill be capping and moving to the next point.

ie; this squad is fun, its more toxic to your own team since I think the squad is fun but SUCKS. if you’re actively removing bodies from capping/defending cap and hunting 200m rally when a 50m rally exists, ur not getting squad tactics very well.

You can’t switch the order of the primary weapon on any premium squad, it’s always locked to the primary slot

Oh that sucks D:

Thanks for the help though!

Is that a different kind of MP40?

There is a covering over the ejection port, so spent bullet casing with eject downward instead of upward and to the right like the current MP40 in the game.

MP40 with ejection port cover

No ejection port cover for current MP40

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What the actual hell is this video? You drive nearly 5 minutes to position the most powerful tank in the game where you can farm the enemies spawn and THEN you complain that one of them ran back, away from the train, to try to kill you? “350m away from the objective!!” You came from hundreds of meters opposite that.

I mean. LMAO. Once they noticed you being cancer, were they just expected to leave you be?

Spawn farmer how-to video and you complain about someone coming after you. :rofl:


Bro deserved it lmao. Whining about being unable to spam HE unopposed by infantry from the back of the map is pathetic


One suggestion: just change their name to saboteurs or infiltration units.
There were no guerillas in north africans deserts or tiny pacific atolls.


I think saboteurs would actually make a lot more sense, given saboteurs run around with massive amounts of explosives much more that guerillas lol

Weird concept but still not enought to solve greyzoning issue.
Greyzoning is a symptom not a cause.
You will end up people using planes more

Favourite part of this squad is the Scavenging! that is cool!

As someone who often finds themselves without ammo :smiley:

I dont mind the ability to hunt rallys in the Greyzone. Some maps you can put protected rallys too damn close (60-70 meters from the objective, makes it really hard to stop a continuous wave assault).

that and I despise greyzone limitations anyway…there are other ways to protect spawns and remove these zones. But yeah. Thats the sad thing about this squad, it signals a stop to looking at these other ways.

I will be waiting for tech tree versions. I want to choose my primary lol (Silenced weapons babeh!)

Also please make “some” tech tree version actual Commandos

  • SAS
  • Brandenbergers
  • OSS



ngl, I normally end up placing rallies like 50-40meters from objective and they last far longer than they should. its the chronic issue of, if I try to push to kill those rallies, my useless team will let the point fall, if I stay to defend the point, at best I run out of ammo and lose the point anyway.

Guerillas will quickly become the go to tool for farming low BR’s one sided defense matches.

For example: we all know tunisia map where defenders just hold 2 building before first objective, and mow down bots coming straight from spawn. Well now there will be guerrillas sitting in a buildings even closer to those spawns and farming them even harder. Enemies were already being shot while they still had spawn protections, so it’s not like that ever helped lol, now they will have even less cover as previous greyzone building will be now guerrilla hotspots.

Bonus points for doubling the amount of unbalanced greyzones - newer maps were already going in right direction by having waay more space and flanking opportunities. The older smaller maps are gonna feel so claustrophobic soon.

Not like i even care though at this point, most of us here will be the ones happily testing new toys on unsuspecting newbies.

What a time to be a new enlisted player

I hunt them. But there are alot of maps with nooks and crannys, with grayzone so close, you actually cant get to them without suiciding. (and sometimes not even then)

Far too close to be protected


I know the ones, I end up trying to yeet a det pack normally, got quite good at it too, but I feel the struggle

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hey donny while everybody is busy bellyaching about the upcoming class, do you think you could forward a suggestion to the devs to give rocket artillery to the old tunisia premium radio operators? the turner smle and beretta m31 squads


Heaps of people losing their minds over this class. Seems like a more defensive class rather than an offensive class. In comparison to paratroopers which are more suited for attacking but can be used for situational defence.

My counter would be to always mine your own rally points and areas around them. Place them in buildings where possible and place mines in doorways and entry points. x4 mines could = whole squad gone.

Tankers avoid using roads and paths where possible and drive with your commander hatch up to have more peripheral vision until you reach your destination.

It’s only 4 troops and chances are they’ll get killed while trying to reach your grey zone anyway unless they wide flank which takes longer. That’s one less player defending on the point and if the attacking team has enough momentum, they’ll be stuck way behind as your spawns move forward.