New class: Guerrilla

hmm yeah, everybody keep doing this

Better to lose just your commander than your whole tank. 90% of you guys can’t hit your shots anyway so good luck :man_shrugging:t2:

Yeah, Volkssturm had mostly Panzerfaust, they were more accessible than firearms.

Some VS groups had only Panzerfausts, nothing more, and one of their commanders even joked sarcastically about how useful the empty Panzerfaust tubes can become, when used as fighting battons.
I very much hope there will be some respect to that historical reality in the game if there is a decision to put real Volkssturm in the game. Maybe enable a Panzerfaust but in the Primary weapon slot (so that it replaces the gun if equipped), since Volkssturm guerrilas are meant to have limited firearm supplies due to war shortages?

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So Guerrilla will be added to the TT, but we still have only event and gold paratroopers?

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And so the stupidity keeps growing…

That the guy will press V to mark my tank and warn his team, but no… better to run 100 - 200 - 300 m away from the point to revenge-kill at the cost of life of his teammates.

My best score as a spawn-camper partisan was 121 kills + 7 destroyed tanks:

You tell em’ Joe… lol…

Yes, some people will be off into the gray zone and not capping; could be an issue since not very many people cap as it is. A good solution would be to increase the number of players for each team during a game: for example, instead of 10 players perhaps allow 15 players instead. I’m not sure if their servers can handle this, but it’s a possibility.

Yeah, evidently paywalling a feature that people wanted is highly controversial, but not enough so to warrant not continuing to do so

It doesnt take a Nostradamus to see how dumb this idea is.

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The sounds? You actually like the sounds in this game? Its a fun game, I agree, but the gun sounds and reloads have to be one of the worst I’ve ever experienced is a shooter game.

They should go play TF2.

You can’t but you can add one for now we only know smg and shotgun can be used don’t know about other tho

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Also I just wanted to say that back like 3 months maybe ago when I suggested my version people like Adam and others think 2 people is too much and DF decided to go with 4 so yea just to put it into perspective why people don’t like it (not me tho of course)

@MajorMcDonalds ?

@James_Grove ?

Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?


They can’t even use tank, what is the point of using tank as the example of a 4 man Guerrilla squad?

here’s a thought DO NOT let them use rally points cuz all you gonna see especially when update hit is players gonna put rallies on the deepest flank as far as possible to have quick respawn to invade the gray zone.

Guerillas are interesting but that should’ve been paratroopers job all along, it would’ve made more sense, more HA, but ok.

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I really hope they dont get volksturm clothes in low br. I bought them but just now i realized that i will probably have to spend ton of customization orders to get them normal clothes

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We’ve had a lot of experience with it already, both with the game and the introduction of half-boiled new mechanics. On several occasions if something is announced or implemented unannounced and a lot of people raises concerns, then unmodified it’ll be a trouble for over half a year at least until it gets fixed/refined/nerfed. (Like paratroopers that needed nerfing afterwards, introducing the merge and battle rating with lot of of weapons in wrong place and expecting it to fix the balancing issues but instead just making desert tanks appear in snowy places or few years ahead of their development, removing and never giving back the original no-markers lone fighter mode where you had to learn the uniforms to avoid team kills, adding gray zone for spawn protection, not letting us set preferred maps and modes that could slightly increase the chance of getting into such games…)

And in some cases they give it another round based on the concerns discussed here, like in their last move with the economy, that was ended up so good that for me as a casual player the current state of Enlisted is near perfect and so right now I’m proud of the devs.

Could seem silly, we could be wrong, but fighting front line battles against gangster cosplayers towing a wheelbarrow of TNT seem silly as well.