New class: Guerrilla

They are literally selling people squads designed for spawn-camping.

I play here for more than 2 years, but I could never imagine anything more disgusting.

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don’t be silly, this is the time that the himeyuri lily corps will become real

I agree and expect it will move Enlisted out of my comfort zone again, just like how the loss of chance to play Tunisia whenever I wanted put it on hold for half a year after the merge.

Tanks are no longer survivable
in the past
Once you get close to the battle zone, you will be hunted within 1 minute and 30 seconds.
When they hide in the gray zone, they only have a chance to survive for a long time when encountering anti-intellectual groups.
A good location is also needed to effectively earn income
These locations are usually locations with good visibility and easy discovery. At the same time, the bombarded location is also filled with a certain number of bunkers.

The purpose of the gray zone is to protect the incompetent from having a safer movement range and combat distance.
They will also be attacked by guerrillas
Those alternative campers will use an endless stream of guerrillas to completely destroy and intercept vehicles and infantry
The side with more anti-intellectual groups will be at a serious disadvantage

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I wish to have the guerrilla groups be limited to 1 per team to lessen the impact, similar to how aircrafts get locked.

And as long as they wear these hats and black suits,


be limited to non-freezing temperature city warfare and never appear in the Sahara or Japan until proper uniforms are created for them:


Does someone know whether those 5 TNTs will be the remote detonated TNT type or the explosive pack?


What about paras?

locals in Tunisia have nothing to say about the war in their lands.
they were eating popcorn meanwhile german/italian british/Usa killed each other

what do you mean by ANTI INTELLECTUAL ? :laughing:

refuse to think and learn and fight against what is killing them
They call the enemy’s strength or tactical use as loopholes and immorality as an excuse for their own incompetence and cry to the authorities.
Then the official will continue to weaken and destroy the gameplay and environment to protect these groups while ignoring the actual situation and the voices of other players.

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A bit more work could bring in some fun on the infiltration aspect of this squad: what about a new ability to pick up and wear enemy uniforms in 10 seconds, losing the friendly fire protection but making it hard to distinguish your soldiers from the opponent, with only the triangle marker above the head missing?
(Not in the US-Japanese case as their faces differ, though.)
They should stop yelling then as a French battlecry would stand out among German soldiers. :slight_smile:

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Good take and analisys. I whole heartedly agree with this.

Unfourtunately the cat is out of the bag but if i were the Creative Director of DF, I would do damage control and restrict this new “class” to battlefields they would make sense in(Berlin and Moscow/Stalingrad) and I would release any more. They make no sense in any other warzone except maybe French resisyance in Normandy and the Buldge, bjt i would also make tjose a puchesable premijm with map restrictions.


When will the Soviet camp get such an infantry officer’s hat

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Do you know what is the difference between a four-man squad with SMGs that can run into the grayzone and King tiger that is behind your spawn?

The four-man squad isn’t carrying a long 88mm cannon or even a HE ammo on their backs and they don’t have any kind of armour.

And the fact that you were surprised when someone tried to destroy you with demo-pack just kills it for me. Hmmm, I wonder why he wasn’t playing the objective when there is someone spawn camping the from behind with the best tank in the whole game and NOT allowing them to defend the train…

This “just hide somewhere far enough where the enemy can’t reach you” gameplay is the reason this “soldier” class is here, even though this was not a grayzone but it was still far enough.

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I love how half the people forget that the main spawn points give you spawn protection.


Not the fact that he killed me with a demo-pack, but rather - that he did not marked me to warn other team-mates and did not killed himself after that.

(he remained 350 m away from objective)

It’s fear talking…

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@MateuszAnkylo0 Please speak English in this forum, thanks.

The problem is that if a four-stack of veteran players uses four of these squads simultaneously, they’ll easily lock in all the spawning squads of a lesser enemy, and when you’re in the losing team on the receiving end, you won’t be able to leave the spawn protected area or do anything against them beside chosing a vehicle.

A tank is not able to turn quickly and is limited to 2, but you can’t outmaneouver the guerillas equipped with the best possible weapons your team carries.

So the problem is that it’s a double edged sword, without a handle.

If the guerillas could spawn in only if an enemy tank collected more kills than a given limit and/or spent more time in grayzone than a minute, and even then spawn in only in limited number, that would look like a smaller issue.

To be fair, a 4 stack of vets will lock you down in your spawn with, or without the new class…


That’s not spawn camping, that’s just pure domination.