New class: Guerrilla

I don’t have a problem with the idea of a class penetrating the gray zone. I think it’s an interesting mechanic.

My issue is that I don’t think guerillas are a good class. As I said what are we going to have partisans stalking the beaches of Normandy, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima. I honestly don’t think this specific class was needed

I honestly would’ve rather you revealed Rider 2 with cars

If it was up to me I’d say scrap this class and wipe our hands clean. But if they won’t then I would say don’t add it to the Research Tree and make it just an event meme. I will still get them just to have them but I honestly imagine I won’t even use them as “guerillas” and just treat them as regular Assaulters


But I really like this feature, what a cool idea.


When we have French resistance, French civilians will invade Pacific islands along their Moroccan desert warriors allies!!! :smile:


Just think probably We are gonna get french civilians before french soldiers…


Not really, just French speaking US Marines, lol

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There’s already French voices (Moroccan warriors ones)


Indeed it’s cool

So, if these guys are acutally designed to fight in enemy lines, will they have atleast disabled or less frequent voice lines? Or will those guys chatter around things like “ICH BIN DER WITWENMACHER!!!” every two seconds, too? Makes them them draw attention of the camping tank very fast and therefore hard to plant TNT…


I did read the whole post c:

The issue of greyzones and tanks camping in them has been a very hot topic for months now, with much debate. This update’s entire purpose is being advertised as a solution to combat greyzoning tanks (lol) which tend to sit in the same area regular spawn points and player built rally points are in, if this new class can’t reach them there, then they are pointless.
So yes, I think this will lead to spawn camping (of vehicles and infantry squads).
With greyzone moving dynamically in matches it is already possible to spawn camp, this will just make it much more frequent and more toxic. Players love the idea of spawn camping until it’s done to them over and over again.
Instead of changing the mechanics of the greyzone, DF saw a profitable opportunity and decided to monetize it. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing to do, can’t fault devs for making money, I just don’t agree with it.

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4 man SMG squads mostly with TNT charges as basically kamakazes im not going to find threatening at all TBH, they die to a sneeze.

I think its a cool addition however and ability to have small interaction in the greyzone sounds perfectly fine.

Remember, its the grey zone, theres no backup except another partisan squad. I expect them to be completely fine for the meta personally.

I agree with another poster that next class should be a Rider rework:

and im seriously hoping HEAVY AT GUNS are coming DF!


Working on some of them, we mentioned that in our roadmap.


I believe Flak Cannons should be added as the AT squad’s unique Engineer building that are the ultimate weapon against any vehicle. Has everyone forgotten about the unique building mechanic, HMGs?

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of course it should it a flak gun, altho it mostly for aa it more fun to use it for both instead of one thing


Japan occupied French Indochina in WW2, so it’s silly but it’s not THAT out there


anyway im gonna assume TT partisan arrive with major update? i really do want to know if they can change weapon or not tbh but i will wait to see it (hopefully they can i mean it a TT squad)

hopefully there will be future high br version

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yeah, kinda confusing.

Quickly made this. Hopefully it can shed some more light over the matter.

Guerillas can basically operate everywhere within the battle area (apart from the areas surrounding the default spawns. Those are protected, and grey zone for guerillas.

The area outside the battle area will be, like for everyone, grey zone even for guerillas.


So they are better paratrooper in way


With just 4 of them and they can’t get heavier weapons like paratroopers from the crate, they will probably be weaker

If any class was going to invade the grayzone it should’ve been Paratroopers. I still stand by that idea


I personally dislike the idea. I realise Enlisted is not a simulator however it takes away any of the authenticity of map locations due to the fact that the Volkssturm never fought in any other battle other than the Battle of Berlin. My point being is that men in Fedora hats running around any of the soviet based maps or Normandy is going to look ridiculous. At least uniformed units look the part fighting in those locations even if the specific regiments didn’t fight there. In my opinion this seems like a cash grab for selling skins rather than improving the gameplay.