New class: Guerrilla

Can you switch the primary and secondary weapons for premium soldiers?

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You can’t switch the primary, you can only add a secondary weapon


but what kind of weapon? normal assaulter gun from their faction?

actually can they use AR?

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I meant switch the order of the primary and secondary weapon. So still have the unique weapon, just in the secondary slot instead.


important question.

how can modders disable such function over mods?

you know… in certain custom made missions, grey zones are really important and there is a reason why those are in place to begin with.

allowing a squad just to go anywhere and potentially exploit maps / mission is far from being ideal or have an enjoyable experience.

before, i had to worry about paratroopers.

now, i even have to worry about these classes in my already limited ( not by design, but by limitations of the editor it self ) mods/missions.

how can we remove such functions?

and it fundamentally “screws up” design and design process for current/future mods.

so, can some developers actually answer rather than hiding?

i hate sounding entitled.
but given the absolutely piss poor state of custom games alongside the editor with not so many improvements, features or QOL, i’m starting to be a bit … mildly infuriated.

we sunk alot of time for not much in return, and every now and then, gets an " effe you " update breaking mods, changing maps ( with no way to revert such changes ) and classes that can exploit the design.

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Battlefield kamikaze tactics were always fun when they worked.

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They can use SMG/Shotgun 4 sure с:


Thank you for your purchase!



Wait so machine guns or grenade launchers ???

TOGGLE SWITCH… so user can decide.

Personally I’m not so sure about this guerilla class. Sometimes it may not even make sense in context. So what you’re going to have German civilian partisans sneaking around the beaches on D-Day.

Honestly I think my idea of Paratroopers parachuting into the gray zone is better


'You can count on osttroopen!"

I don’t know what the rest of you think, but this addition made me remember the game “mafia”, I take this opportunity to ask myself for the umpteenth time when the Italian front will be added with the work of the partisans attached, it made me remember the game mafia because of how they are dressed and frankly seeing them in battle is quite funny with those hats and shirts but where do they want to go? meh

ooo i am looking forward to it

Dont worry they are just out for a stroll while on vacation. Just normal civilian behavior.


I find it hilarious and even ridiculous that we will get civilian partisans in the Research Tree, and yet Paratroopers nada


I don’t use tanks, but this is just bad mechanics and potentially game-breaking, with no time restrictions for entering the enemy’s grey zone. Again, for anyone complaining about grey zone tanks—I’m one of the first who doesn’t like them—you should try using planes or AT guns. In my opinion, HE needs to be fixed, not just grey zone tanks in general.

I’m sorry to say, but it seems like this hasn’t been properly tested. Half of a half-decent team can hide in enemy grey zone buildings and kill all your bots as you run toward the objective.


How about the perk point of this squads?

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I’m sorry but thats on you.

Yep. I don’t like this class at all. It’s all about not playing objectives.