New class: Guerrilla

Does the greyzone not exist for a reason? I am concerned that this going to be a fantastic spawn-camping squad.


here corrected it for ya… i know i plan to abuse it till people come to cry on forum about them :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps stop hiding and stay mobile :slight_smile:


you know that most maps arent made for mobile tank warfare? not to mention buggy track mechanic that gets stuck on weirdest things…

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Well, this seems like a fine addition to me. But I take issue with the name for the class both semantically and relating to use of the term ‘Guerrilla’. Guerrilla means little war, not an individual combatant, and Guerrilla warriors most certainly do hesitate to meet the enemy face to face.

Surely, ‘Partisan’ would be more appropriate to the role this class will have? It is also the term used at the time by every nation represented in the game (except Japan?).

Well, most maps are very bad for maneuver warfare.

Also the new map seems to be even worse.

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I was thinking about this class exactly this Friday lol xD

the event version will use national defense weapons,emperor…



Premiums have 2nd weapon slot unlocked where you can put any SMG/Shotgun you want с:


Then remove tanks if there is no point in using them.
Or go play CoD, no vehicles there.

and an hidden large ammo pouch+ extra TNT?

oh but what kinda gun? the faction gun? enemy gun?

i guess it gonna use their respective faction gun? well that not bad (would be interesting tho if it was enemy faction gun)

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Nice! @MajorMcDonalds, @Euthymia07 will we also get to swap out their weapons to use them in all BRs? I am talking about the TT squads. I guess we can’t do so with these event squads.

Would look much better with an officer’s cap. Just like its Soviet counterpart. Looks a bit odd.

Instead of fixing the greyzone, it’s now being monetized. Good job DF. All you’ve done is add a class who’s whole purpose is to spawn camp, I’m sure players will love that after a week.


Just don’t give them an engineer with which to completely fill the grey zone with barbed wire and shit please
Its already bad enough with teammates fucking us over with it

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that’s so cool, at first my bet was that it’s gonna be like minesweeper or recon plane of some sort, but this?? wow, given that they spawn at default HQ and have to make all their way by flanking or something is really great, i love playing the lurker messing around enemy HQ now it’s going to be a lot better

they don’t have an engineer
Even if they did the engineer wouldn’t be a guerrilla, and thus wouldn’t be able to build in the grey zone


I really hoped for the TechTree paratroopers but looks like I was disappointed.

Guess I will preorder them but nevertheless I am still sad. :sob:

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No it’s not. Read the whole post.

Also not true. Guerrillas won’t be able to get close to the spawn.