New class: Guerrilla

The the tech tree parisans that should be available

Ps @Euthymia07 how big are the TT squads? 4 men? Weapon restrictions?

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so it like what i suggest (or kinda close) interesting anyway can we change weapon? what are their spawn location @Euthymia07

I hope the system you are planning will let us effectively get the pre-merge experience and not just exclude 1 or 2 specific battle scenarios like in WT. I suppose after the Steam release, the number of players grew enough to allow choosing maps from 1 campaign again.

And if more elasticity would be needed for this to work, I propose you think of an option like this: [✓] join the fight mid-battle
In Chivalry 2, this is the norm, and it feels alright. Good thing if you can join the weaker side and tip the scales

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What are the perk stats for these new Guerrilla soldiers?

you can’t change the weapons of the premiums
the spawns are the same as usual


this is it boys
cute japanese guerilla girls inbound


200w (9)

There’s no such thing as too big a boom.

(Please make bridges for me to destroy like in old BF2000)


I’m curious, does this eye mask have to be paired with this hat?


TNT will be the new ap mine


well i will (ab)use this squad well… idk how they thought this would be a good idea…

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so will the event be high br version? additionally will TT be able to change their weapon? (if you cant answer that at the moment that fine im just curious)

also these special ammo pouch does it contain every enemy weapon ammo in game? even GO weapon?
if so that pretty cool (altho most likely they wont survive in br5 but that dont stop me from using them)

also just notice this but why does the mp40 look different? what did the russian do to it?

If the guerilla class becomes overpowered, I think the guerrilla class should have lower perk points.



it’s a face equipment piece.

similar to the gas mask.

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Since it requires manual input, I’m fine with. No different than someone pressing a gun trigger, only a bit more spectacular.

Also… so. We have jeeps… kubels… What if… I placed 5 tnt on my jeep hood… then decided to go ram a tiger… Because the squad can go in enemy combat area, so does the neutral jeep right?

For science ofc.


sounds like a nice way to being a camper : )

Now enlisted can become THE battlefield but better

No skills to use planes / mortars / AT cannons / kamikaze-planes ?

No problem - a squad of spawn-campers is ready for you for 30 $.

Now go explain people on Steam that this is not p2w game :sweat_smile:


It will be added to the tech tree so it will be find ( and won’t screw the balance between attacker and defender lol;)

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wonder if i can change TT weapon version tbh