New class: Guerrilla

Not sure the details.

@MajorMcDonalds Any idea on this?

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To be fair DF found some common sense and didn’t give shorts to the SAS boys in Ardennes.

(However the Moroccan squad still storms D Day in bedouin robes lmao)

  • premium, event AND TT squads class being available

  • the uniforms looks amazing.
    eye patch is … weird yet unique and not many people will even notice it, but that volkssturm with 4 tabs looks so amazing and i apreciate the details. and the retextured label squad to black for how cheap it may sound, i apreciate the retexture. the new model of the partizans alongside the hats, top notch.

  • squads using captured weapons, sounds alright.

  • being able to carry 5 more time explosives and move in the gray area which allows to spawn camp, is… questionable at best.

because vehicles do not have the same spawn protection that lasts like infantry.

so you can just spawn camp and i feel like it will only incentivze more tank campaing because of players being too worry to even leave the spawn further.

i like the concept of the squad, but i dont understand the reasons behind it.

solve gray camping?
in what ways?

other issue ( albeit, minor ) soviets partisan clothing looks like the italian customization ( grigioverde tunic ).
would it be possible to change colors?

add shades of brown to the jackets, or any other colors.

but, despite sounding negative about it.
i’m mostly neutral.

like, it’s new content. so… cool.

however… meh

looking forward to the rider rework though.



As if you think it cant get dumber…


First of all: Thanks for reasonable prices!
20$ for a squad is way better than 60$

Also, the cosmetics look awesome and unique!


A cool idea for a US one would be Filipino guerrillas, they did a lot of fighting in the pacific and would be cool to have alongside a Japanese equivalent in an event or something




Japanese Volunteers/Collaborators could fit that role.

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The French resistance is often over hyped. Despite having the most weaponry sent to them the had some of the lowest rates of active hostility towards the Germans. Many even helped the Germans willingly.

The French resistance has nothing on the Polish or Yugoslavian resistance. Warsaw fought for weaks with almost nothing. I’m pretty sure Warsaw fought longer than the French army did in 1940.



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Sounds interesting. I was hoping new class would be an officer to buff AI.

But i certainly have a use for these guys. Clearing rallies that are protected too close to objective


Those are some nice and interesting looking squad for sure, however I havea question. Is there a chance of them getting an engineer with limited things to build like you did with the older premium squads?

Cool, sadly these got leaked 2 days ago so I can’t act totally surprised. I really applaud yhat Guerrilla are going to be featured both in the Tech Tree and future events (tho we are waiting for Assault Engineers for USA and Japan).

Btw we can we expect the next Premium Account discounts? I’ll gladly grab another year of Premium if discounts happen soon!

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About this. It’s somehow a new mechanics because no soldiers could ever get more than one TNT at once.

My question:

  • Can this class lay MULTIPLE tnt packs BEFORE detonating them??? Or must they make them explode one at a time?

Because I do want big 5x tnt booms!!!

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Asked already

Wake up babe, AT rambos and professional rally whores just dropped.

The soviet squad leader got a unique face. :slight_smile:
Will he also represent a real war hero, just like Sidney Cornell from the British paratrooper squad?

Screenshot (43)


You can explode all of them at once (if you planted them all at once). :slight_smile:

You can also use one at a time, should you please.


Just realized BR2 squads can’t go to Berlin now technically.

So what’s the point of these cosmetics?

Top hats and VS armbands to blend in with the locals in Tunisia?



seriously those anti spam measures should be removed…

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