New BR/Tier mechanics and new MM


Because of 6 people inconvenience the game should be trash for everyone ?

Which lead to BOT games, which you can still enjoy in customs.

As I said, what I think made it fun was the different weapons being in different time zones. Yes avs wasn’t used after the winter war, yes the federov wasn’t used after the winter war either. Yes the PZ 4f2 wasn’t used or fielded until months after Moscow but these mistakes were understandable. You can tell the devs tried to make the game a mix between immersion of different maps of different battles being added and being fun when it came to adding quirky or rare weapons into the game. Like I said, each campaign and environment during their time had their different aesthetic. We understand the things they add were almost never used but at least the inaccuracies were forgivable.

Most people left the game after the Merg. Moreover, it is no longer even advertised as a historical game about World War II as it was at the beginning.

And you won’t tell me what game to play.

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@TUSUPOLISI69 @CaptainSebekel
What surprises me most is the fact that you do not stick to the topic of expanding the current technology tree and balancing the game so that players who start their adventure with Enlisted do not hit the wall in the form of BR-3 (like PzII who has to fight KV-1 because a new player in PzII he doesn’t know that he doesn’t have to fight him).
You picked up on the last point, that in the future I would like to see a historical mode in the game where the technology tree is divided according to the creation of the equipment.
And you go from one extreme to another. You only see games like BF or CoD, flying ninjas with guns, or walking simulators like HLL or RO.

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Quite sure @robihr has some sort of stats about this, dont recall anything like that.


Well you can play the customs, since that was what you enjoyed pre-merge, bot games.
Or you can bitch and whine and stick to squads, choice is yours.

little bit old now, but here are stats after merge.

Talking to you is like talking to a bot. One and the same. No substantive conversation because it has to be the way you want it and if someone doesn’t like the team mode, go to customs.
There is a problem in the game called a high entry threshold, which existed before the merge, but has not been eliminated because players with low BR are thrown as cannon fodder because a guy in KV-1 will come and make them fall into the Middle Ages. I can handle this KV-1, but a new player can’t.
But you don’t look at the problem from the new player’s perspective, but from your own, and you don’t understand that he bounces off the game and won’t come back to it.

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I know what it looks like. I admire your work. However, I don’t see many old players enlisted after the merge.

well i didnt see lot of old players that were active in early days of enlisted in 2022 nor 2023. people quit the game for all kinds of reasons.

Yeah as a ton of them left on console over the months than what might be shown on robihr’s stats. Not to talk down on him. Hell I’ve had some good debates with him myself.

Pretty much, you wanted bot games I gave you bot games.

Which has been suggested in numerous topics, BR 1-2 locked, 3-4-5 can stick together, plenty of high tier gear can be lowered to BR3-4 in this case.

You didnt really invent the wheel here with this suggestion of yours.

Also, since you use the “Timeline” here, the situation would be literally same in PZ3J/1 vs T-34 as its with KV.
Or ppsh41 vs mp40

So technically you “fix” the one issue of KV appearing in low BR games, and meanwhile make the low BR games even worse by introducing completely OP equipment there, which currently such as PPSH is at BR5 for a reason.

As like above said, You fix 1 issue and introduce several new ones.
Yeah, tell me you are looking this from new players perspective.

and yet your proposed solution still has KV1 vs new players in BR1

it is not fixed cause kv1 entered service in 1939 aka BR1 per OP.

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Got to admit, I entirely forgot it indeed shouls be “early war” equipment.

But this guy is definitely looking this from new players perspective.

If I wanted to play with bots, I would play Medal of Honor.

If we were to stay with the current 5, I think MM plus or minus one is better than the current plus or minus two.

Well, not entirely, because if there were a historical mode, it would be very unbalanced in terms of gameplay. In addition, I would like to see greater realism in this mode, such as less mobile soldiers, bullets piercing walls or frendly fire from bombs and grenades. Not like in a lone warrior, but like in the closed beta in team mode.

Well, I know about it, so introduce a division like in WT - there is an arcade game and a realistic game where units have equal BR in these modes. Of course, I should compare it to the historical mode, which is also in WT.

Maybe the historical/realistic mode should return to the campaign selection mechanics.

I know you won’t please everyone, but why make this game another game just like the others with the difference that there are teams. I don’t like that they extended the TTK, standardized the weapons, took away wall penetration by large-caliber bullets, limited air defense guns. But I like the game because I still play it.

Additionally, I believe, as I wrote in the post, that the equipment is forced into these 5 BRs, and there are vehicles, mainly vehicles, that are too strong for BR3 and too weak for BR4. Likewise, there are BR2 vehicles that are too strong for BR2 and too weak for BR3. For this reason, I propose at the beginning of the topic to expand the current mode (which I call arcade) from 5 to 7 BRs.

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there are not enough players. i will paraphrase our community manager when asked about adding third queue:
“Devs ran the numbers for more MM queues and numbers arent good.”

idk how you expect for the game to function with split playerbase in 7 historical queues and 2-3 “arcade” queues, when game isnt even capable of supporting 3 arcade queues without splitting the playerbase.

btw WT doesnt have nation vs nation MM and has much bigger playerbase.

Thought you said you enjoyd the pre-merge campaigns which such as moscow & berlin as prime example were nothing but bot games.

quite sure they said it numerous times that they aint going to add new BR’s or ques.

As above said, lock BR1-2. Move alot of high tier gear to BR3-4 to give them better fighting chance.

Which we kinda had in moscow and yes, bot games.

Quite sure there are better games out there that focus on HA.
Id say ~6 players moving there rather than ruining the game for everyone is quite alot better option.

In Tunisia I played with the Axis. And so it was me alone with 10 players.

Oh cool, in that case. Lets just disregard everyone elses complains about bot games and such since you actually had a populated game.

Boring. Tech Levels are like Alpha-Testers. It only exists for the sake of appearance and is useless otherwise. Levels are irrelevant for BR and are inconsistent, and there is no need for more levels as they don’t change the MM issues or make the tech tree less crowded. It’s cheap inflation.

Also, your first point is about the tech tree. The rest is MM and BR, and BR and Level are not the same (necessarily). So what now?

I don’t know. I think we already talked about it and it would be new to me that you want balance.

Yeah… tell that to the BR 1-3 queues.
Oh I forgot. He can just drive his Panzer II to the KV and get blown up and block his view.

Isn’t that your third point plus-minus four?
Anyway, point still stands for point 2. Too many queues. Get the trash bin.

Oh no, not another one.
But I get it. Not pressing 6 to drop mine and forgetting is boring. And I would prefer Enlisted as “walking sim” than it is currently. At least maps would be bigger.

Isn’t that pretty much Enlisted as well?

Talking to you is like talking to a child who doesn’t want to tidy up his room.
I divided the topic into both balanced gameplay and unbalanced historical gameplay. And you continue as if you couldn’t read. Someone writes for you, right?

Well, if you think that the Pz II is big enough.

You’re complaining that I’m giving advice on how to play games now, but you don’t understand it. You take sentences out of context and add your own. This way you can cover the enemy’s firing lines with your vehicle. On city maps and I wrote this in another topic regarding the Berlin map. But the PzII will get into position faster to do this.
You won’t use smoke, it’s too difficult for you. Whatever people here tell you, you keep complaining and criticizing. Because the tanks are from the gray zone, and the weapon is too strong, and the mines are too strong, and your favorite weapon is too weak.
So you lost the game and it’s everyone else’s fault but not yours.
Everyone has bad ideas, but you have good ones.