New BR/Tier mechanics and new MM

Where do you get this 6 people? Have you met every enlisted player and asked them if they like ha?

Here are some really great historically accurate mods from VenomUlfric:
You think they would get thousands of launches if only 6 people cared about ha?

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PrivateRyan44 also makes insanely good ha mods and they are very popular. Go see it yourself: Enlisted Sandbox // PrivateRyan44

Arguably the 6 people moaning for it at forums.
Rest is irrelevant since its not my burden to prove they exist in any manner.

Seems some of them have 6 “likes”

The 6 likes

Irrelevant. You think that only the forum people count? Think again

We arent talking about you we are talking about the game. If you dont want to count 99% of the players because they arent in the forums then the problem is in you

Likes are irrelevant in this case. They only mean that someone found the post on the sandbox and wanted to like it. Most of the people dont care to like or join the games from server list

Irrelevant. You think everyone who played the mod goes to sandbox to like the post? You also need to be signed in if you want to like which most people dont care to do.

I think you are arguing here just for the sake of arguing as you seem to have no knowledge of this topic. We better end this conversation here as it is not leading anywhere

How do you prove that players play it for the HA instead of the fancy looking map?

There is no way to prove that and it is all just speculations. Mt theory is that people who see the map in the server list can only see its name so they cant know if the map is fancy or not. They will see the name that features words like historical and simulation leading them to join.

Still custom game improvements are important and i am only asking to bring back an function that was a thing before the update and now it isnt.

Also the devs promised equipment limits for customs and there are still none. Keeping promises should be higher priority than adding new content

Pretty much, since its kind of the onlyway to prove there actually is anyone whos intrested of HA.

Here, look at that +50m downloads, im sure this game would be better with light sabers.

What players ? I just proved theres +50m people incoming to the game instantly if we just introduce chewbaca skins, light sabers and maybe few unicorns ?

And how can you prove all the “launches” aint by same invidual ?

For all I care turn the entire game into HA simulator if thats what majority wants.
Currently the existence of entire HA people seems to be rather lacking in evidence.

Even if we pretend each launch of your screenshots was by some invidual, 3666 in total.
From the weekly playerbase it would roughly be 2% at max.
So even with this generosity we’re not exactly looking at massive group.

Doesnt mean that ha players should be ignored. Nobody wants 201% ha all im asking for is to keep their promises and return the customization to the same state as it was before the update. I dont understand why anyone would be against it as it doesnt take away anything only adds

I dont give a shit if they do that as long as they keep their promises for custom games. In fact i think lightsabers would be awesome. Imagine the possibilities with the moon blasters and walker that we already have

Might happen but then whats the point in marketing the game as ww2 shooter?

One game takes aproximately 20-30 mins and one launch gets added when the game finishes. You think someone would play the same mod 1000 times? Makes no sense. Also you can see these mods being launched by different people in the server list

Stop putting words in my mouth. I dont want the base game to be ha simulator neither does the majority. Im asking to have a place where ha players can do their thing relatively easily

You forgot that multiple players join the game and it still becomes 1 launch. If i launch the game and 20 people join it. You think one launch means 1 player? Untrue

What happens in customs, I dont give a fk.
I merely pointed out the “HA” group is such a minority that its pretty lame to expect any update to come instantly just to satisfy them.

Sure they will, as better modding tools benefits other custom games as well.
But as stated before, doing something for group this small definitely aint a priority.

Quite sure they already switched theyr “marketing” advertisements in past since it was rather easy fix to satisfy several butthurt HA enthusiast.

Still not exactly my burden to prove is it ?

Which most likely will come eventually

You can do your own math, I honestly dont give a fk.

But the korean war which has the most launch doesn’t have historical or simulator in its name.
So I don’t think the historical or simulator matters much, the stuff that matters is the location or battle in the name.

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Then why are you arguing?

They broke a feature and i expect them to fix it. Doesnt matter what group we are talking about. This also applies to people who dont care about ha as they cant use their favourite clothes in customs. And the fix would take only couple of minutes. Just make the thing how it was before the update.

also this is even bigger problem

Seems that the progress is quite slow. Customs should be higher priority

This games theme is still ww2. If we would add lightsabers then it would be star wars. Also probably wont happen since licenses

You dont have to do anything other than think logically. Nobody has the time to launch a game 1000 times

Hopefully yes

Then why are you arguing?

Good point. Either how custom matches are in desperate need for improvements. There are so many problems that i cant even count them

So far this havent actually been argument at any point, I have pointed out the so called HA group is pretty much nonexistent.
Thus expecting any HA related fixes definitely aint priority.

Squads are also rather “broken” Japan IV assaulter squad requires by far less exp than assaulter 3.

Above mentioned squad issue also is problem for everyone and makes the game un-necessarily by far more grindier than it should be.

Quite sure fixing the squads EXP requirements would take just few minutes and it actually affects the game rather than being inconvenience like the skins or some popup window.

With what logic ?

So was there 1000 inviduals ? You are still looking at entirely irrelevant minority in big numbers.
And after all, this isnt my burden to prove that there is people intrested of HA and provide evidence of it.
Its your problem.

U want to speak of “launch” numbers ? Well fine, then compare the launches to unique game launches from robihr stats.
Now your group became even smaller.

I suggest customs getting improved not ha. Ofcourse ha fans will benefit from it also but so will all custom match players

This game has tons of bugs to fix. That thing also should be high prioity in the devs list

And it should get fixed. Should be easy one too.

This is much more than slight inconvenience. Would you want to constantly get killed because a pop up shows every 10 seconds?

Because customs are a big part of the game

Impossible to tell who launched them and that is why im speculating. I think it sounds more likely if 1000 different individuals launched them rather than one guy launching same mod 1000 times. Ofcourse i could be wrong

Which obviously will, just not priority.

Trustme bro source ?

Go your way then, compare the launch numbers to unique matches from robihr stats.
Conclusion is the same, entirely irrelevant minority. Except the numbers are even worse for you in this case.

Atleast i hope they will prioritize customs over addding new content and premiums. Fixing the game is more important than new stuff. Also there has been many promises of fixing custom games

It is the 2nd gamemode so yes it is quite big. Ofcourse not as big as squads

Squads definitely should be highest priority but what is stopping them from also working on customs?
Most of this stuff wouldnt even take that long and would be greatly appreciated by players.

I have never tried to convince you to believe that custom match players and ha players are bigger than squads players i just wanted to correct your statement of only having 6 ha players

For all I care they can spent next 3 years on customs, as soon as the core game squads is fixed first.

Quite sure if they had resources for such they would have already done so.

On forums, which most likely are unique inviduals.
Sure we can go for nitpicking and say they might be alts of 1 person so theres only 1 person intrested of HA in forum.

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I couldnt agree more

I think the team is quite small. Makes me wonder why they havent hired more people

I also believe so

I like these mods. It’s a pity that you have to find a team to play together. Personally, I would like a co-op mode in which 10 players and their teams complete missions straight from Medal of Honor, with them directed from start to finish and with hordes of bots and extras.