New BR/Tier mechanics and new MM

Or couldnt they have campaign deficated servers (with some weapon restrictions that way late war weaponry cant go into early war fights like moscow tunisia or stalingrad) for those who want crossplay off? It could be on custom games too. Just need to get it up to the devs that way someone like euthymia can make the servers on customs so they can be up permanently for those who want the OG enlisted

Which is why you ultimately want a tech tree based on historical “facts” and not based on firepower, got it.

Because they are dumb, and no one listens to you and your stupid tips. Like no one likes your stupid ideas you posted on Monday.

Maybe because people tell us that we should drive tanks to camping tanks and commit suicide to block their view and that we need an MM, which has more queues than the campaigns and the new MM combined, and yet still expect to be taken seriously. Maybe some people should realize that they are on the top of the leaderboards because they bomb and mine bots and take it as an average participation trophy and not as a sign that they are hot-shots who are super-duper megachad gaming pros and embarrass themselves when they advise people to drive tanks only to become wrecks.
And maybe come up with ideas that are at least feasible and not sci-fi, and maybe we can talk.
But as long as you keep pushing for an MM, which is entirely unrealistic even for the sake of numbers… what do you expect? That we suck at math and don’t see that your idea is dumb and unrealistic?

No. I usually bomb or use a tank like everyone else because I am not pretending I am super-duper megachad gaming pro and drive tanks to the other tanks so they can blow me up.

I don’t know, man. Nick Cage laughing at your dumb idea got me more likes than your idea itself, so I would argue it is not just me who thinks your ideas are bad and dumb.
Also, usually I don’t post dumb ideas on the forum, which is why I only share great ideas. Maybe consider that.

I’d play with it. Sounds fun to me.

Talking to you is like talking to a child. You can talk to a child and he still won’t understand.
Because you don’t distinguish the concept of two separate trees, one where everything is arranged according to firepower, and the other based on the chronology of prototype creation, production and use.

Because that would even dumber. If we really take 100% of your dumb idea, we would basically have two games, which is next level stupidity.
Might as well ask them to commit corporate suicide. Would be quicker and cheaper.

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