New BR/Tier mechanics and new MM

  1. There should be more levels in the game. Currently, we have 5, which crams many units, especially vehicles, in an inconsiderate way, and at the same time means that many of these pieces of equipment are completely unused and ignored by players.
    I am analyzing what the trees look like now, which often contain units that are too strong to be at BR 3, but too weak to be at BR4.
    That’s why I think that there should be 7 BR/Tiers in the game, and I will even go further in my thoughts and there should be intermediate tiers/BR like 1.5.
    This should diversify the gameplay by providing greater variety of weapons in individual battles.

  2. The MM in the game should be plus 1 minus 1 in such a BR/Tier system.
    1-2 Moscow / Tunisia / Pacific
    2-3 Moscow / Tunisia / Pacific
    3-4 Stalingrad / D-Day / Pacific
    4-5 Stalingrad / D-Day / Pacific
    5-6 Berlin / Ardennes / Pacific
    6-7 Berlin / Ardennes / Pacific
    The Pacific could be divided into individual islands, but I think it lacks campaigns such as Malina (Philippines), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands Campaign. I hope that the game will include maps related to the Italian campaign, the French campaign or the September campaign, as well as the Kiev, Leningrad, Minsk and Crimean fronts.

  3. In the future I would see it like this br/tier campaign assigned to the war years
    1-2 years 1939-1940
    2-3 years 1940-1941
    3-4 years 1941-1942
    4-5 years 1942-1943
    5-6 years 1943-1944
    6-7 years 1944-1945
    7-7 years 1945-1945

  4. I believe that such a BR/Tier and MM system would be more friendly to new players, but I would still leave the option of taking BR1 gear to BR7 battles.

  5. Additionally, I would not touch the rank system in a game that only shows a given player’s activity during the season, and not the quality of skills (equipment is not an indicator of skill, and having the Marshal rank does not mean that a given player has hundreds of pieces of equipment), and I would even throw it out it from the scoreboard.


Nicolas Cage - Laugh I


Listen im all for changing the game’s br queues and changing weapon BR’s themselves to fit the time periods but what youre insisting over complicates the game and divides the queues by too much.

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shall we go with why is this shit suggestion again(cause it wasnt discussed in other 100 similar topics)?

  • game cant get 3 BR queues, you propose 6 which is turning this game into PVE
  • historical MM is shit for balance.

Not that big of a deal when half the factions have multiple fronts to fight in.

Not really when the game has it to where “balance” as you so speak of doesnt even work symmetrically. (For example where soviets in the earlier phase of the war would have ppsh’s and avs, germans would have machine guns with less shot deviation. And plenty of them, meaning mg34’s normal and patonentrommel, even the early tigers were a thing in north africa, as well as leningrad as they first appeared there in 42 and even fought there in 43. So in the long run, symmetrical balance would not be the best route for this game.

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In addition to the current mode (which I call arcade), they should add a historical mode without gear balance in the future.

The first two points do not cover the division of weapons into the period of occurrence, but into the current division. I must admit, I would like to see a historical mode without balance and weapon normalization.

Yes, the topic is discussed many times, but most of the topics concern (the problem of) BR3, and not the division in which the player, after unlocking something BR3, creates a problem in his head that BR 1-2 equipment cannot be used against players with BR5 equipment.


I’m actually not opposed to that at all. As people would have the option to take themselves right back to the arcade mode if they don’t like the mode that would organize weapons by time periods.


feels like 12 lobbies
old system
6 campaigns time 2 sides 12

my idea
br 1-2 3-4 and remove br 5
giving us six balanced ques

Why Japan only against the USA. In 1939, Japan fought against Russia. You already have variety even for the Japanese side to fight the Red Army at low tiers. We have four pages.
Red Army vs. Steel Pact
Red Army vs Imperial Japanese Army
Allies vs. Steel Pact
Allies vs Imperial Japanese Army

The Steel Pact is the name of the Italian-German alliance without Japan.

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That or we can have a time period mode that is seperate from the normal game and customs that has the br queue system of 1 by itself, 2-3 being from 42- late 43 and then 4-5 being late war. This next part is irrelevent but with weapon br’s just take the early war weapons that are currently in br 4 and 5 and out them down to 3 that way they can be in the mid queue. Vulkssturm guns should be in 4 in this mode too. Yes this will be divisive but at the same time itll make both parties happy as it gives everyone their own space. The arcade mode and then time frame mode. That way no one on console has to spend so much time just to set up a custom with a chance of no one else wanting to join in.

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Except… why should they?

Yeah Lets just throw T-60s against Tiger 2s and lets see what happens.
Probably not growth for sure.

It’s obvious you have poor reading skills, or you’re actually taking things out of context. Currently, you can also enter high-level play with the T-60. Where’s the problem?

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It still doesnt make BR1 competitive.
And you want to force people to play BR1 against BR5.

Where did you read this? In the context of what you are writing because I see that you are taking sentences out of context.
Nobody forces anyone to do anything. You read without understanding. Currently, you can enter BR-1 on BR-5 and I wrote the same so that this would still be possible. What you write is a complete lack of BR, throwing everything into one bag.

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Ahh So you actually think that DF is also that dumb and makes two seperate MMs, which both have like 1007282727 (sub)queues in total for a number of players that can barely populate three queues so people dont need to face KV1s and Feds with Panzer 2s and MP28s?
Makes sense.

You mean dumb “HiStoRiCaL” BR? Why should we treat like a br?

I agree but not that many extra queues.

There are much more than 60 players. But the problem is the entry threshold. Separation of two worlds: the arcade model and the realistic historical one. And it won’t reduce the number of players in the queue, but rather increase it and allow the creator to eat his cake and have it too.

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I have a better idea and its easy. BR±0


If you enjoy getting your ass handed to you due to equipment, you can equipt all your soldiers with HA BA’s and have a 1 BR5 tank for example.
Problem solved for your not balanced super fun games.

As mentioned, above you can at any given time to join with your BR1-2 equipment to BR5 if thats what you are after.
