New battlefield - Ardennes

Every time I see a T28, I’m reminded of how one was found abandoned out in the fields, forgotten and alone.

’ The military was so focused on new tank models that, somehow, the remaining T28 Super Heavy Tank prototype was completely misplaced. It wasn’t until 1974, 27 years after it went missing, that it was located in a field at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. It had been left to the elements for so long that weeds had started to grow into it.’


Was about to heavily disagree with you considering the massive costs of one single Tiger tank - but then I realised that the fuel shortage part is actually a really good point, never thought about that this way.

Having one tank that needs three times the fuel of a regular tank - > however performs 10 times better is indeed a valuable investment in resources.

Makes me rethink the whole " tigers were a waste of money " debate


It’s hard to be happy about new locations when the game was just remade into shit by you.


Well considering Soviet Tier 3 is pulled up into Tier 5 consistently that’s rendered moot

Tier 1 and 2 are fine across the board

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Tiger 1 right?
Tiger 2 just seems like a boondoggle to me

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It was also not just about fuel but crews as well.

Germany was on military size decline since about 1941 when they lost the battle for Moscow and could never launch a similar attack again, and training more crews for a million more Pz IVs was not realistic in terms of manpower.

However, Pz IV was still produced to the end of the war and served post war so personally I’d call that the most successful (German) tank, with T-34 being the best and M4 Sherman 2nd best of WW2 overall.

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Yeah 1


Hopefully with the addition of this new battlefield we get a chance to rehaul the customization system. Here’s my suggestion!

Hey, how about instead of adding random trash you fix the BR “system” ?
Switched down to BR2 to play with my new friend


Mark it with a sniper and have air support unload on it. Planes can attack in the grey zone.

Sounds like you or your friend had equipped a high tier weapon by accident.

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Nope. This is a common problem which i have had happen multiple times already. Even after checking after every single match. How am i supposed to face tier 5 with this loadout. Not. Yet it still happens!


next campaign ? :rofl:
campaigns went bye bye

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Actually that has been happening regularly.

Players with actual, un-errored BR 2 loadouts have been put into BR 5 games. It shouldn’t be happening and is clearly unintentional, but it is happening.

I am sure that will be fixed, so its not one of my top concerns at the moment.

I am more concerned with how BR 3s are still expected to fight BR 5.

edit: Or how new content is now hidden behind BR gates…meaning you have to fight in BR 5 hell if you want to play it. This system is going to chase away every new player who tries to leave BR 2…


No, its a bug. I know its easy to assume someone is just messing up, but this person is not the only one experiencing it.


That doesn’t look much like a December 44’ map. There is literally little to no snow.


Technically yes, but you know what I mean

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Looks nice.

I Dare say will become my favourite map(s), alongside or in front of moscow.


looks so nice, and promissing. Can’t wait to play it! I really enjoyed the forest-ambient maps from the Moscow Campaign. This will be an even better addition.

126TH Tank Battalion & 257TH Tank Battalion can use the IS-2 and IS-2 (1944)

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