New battlefield - Ardennes

so wait does that mean we might get the panzerwerfer but with side rocket? that could have fire rocket? and nashorn? i hope so personally

Even a BR4 90mm Jackson could be a start.


Why? All they have to do is just tweak whatever they have to so we get proper earlier war battles without having Panthers and T-34-85 in Stalingrad

And players will figure out what loadout they need to make so they are properly in Moscow, Stalingrad, or Tunisia

I don’t like spawning in Stalingrad when I have FG 42s, Gewehr 43s, and Pumas, not to mention seeing out of place stuff there


The issue with tanks at the moment is that one, it can be impossible to flank due to the ability to camp in the grey zone. Not easy to get a side-shot when you die from out-of-bounds damage before even reaching an angle! Same with detpacks, TNT charges, or AT weaponry.

Another issue is that the king tiger has no american equivalent in game. We didn’t make many big super heavy tanks because turns out, things that are big and super heavy break down a lot and turn into piles of useless metal (there’s a reason why there weren’t many tigers of either kind compared to the various mediums). The only way to deal with it is with air power (and hint, german air power is just as good as american. it always has been, germany has NEVER suffered for CAS in enlisted or war thunder at any point)

The IS-2 can fight king tigers, as the gun is big enough to frontally deal with them (maybe? I’m not sure if the penn it has is enough to deal with how little info there is in enlisted’s stat cards) but a 75 or 76mm from the US won’t do diddly.

Now, I like aesymetrical balance, but one advantage can’t be so far above the other’s that it tilts the scale in favor of one side. That’s part of the issue, the king tiger (mostly the H, but the P isn’t free of sin) is a huge imbalancer. This wasn’t a problem before the merge since, well, you know why. It’s why the whole thing needs a lot of working on, and I’m sure they are as they get all their metrics and whatnot.

maps look cool tho :heart:


In Ardennes battlefield, the German jet plane Me 262 (with a bomb version) has already joined the battle. Will we get it when we appear in Ardennes battlefield?


I am very eager to know the answer, because if Me 262 is added, it will definitely be very interesting.


Personally I was hoping for Market Garden and Italy

Maybe the next campaign will be Italy, or perhaps we’ll get an Eastern Front campaign instead

Also don’t forget to add new maps for existing campaigns!


We would love to but we would be beaten in the head by the PPSH and AS-44 and Fedorov

And yesterday I posted about that this is one of the possible maps… Still- adding it before Market Garden feels odd.
Carenten, Brecourt, Cherbourg, St.Lo…

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Yes, I also hope to join the Market Garden action as soon as possible.

they need to add t4-5 eastern front map so stalingrad can return to low br

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Cool cant wait to play with some m16s and ak47s on this map 2 updates later because its needed for balance and to reduce the que times .
The way this matchmaker is going.


What is even the reason in adding Historical maps at this point?? Just add some of the usual souless gaijin maps .


Dear Developers,
for your information Hürtgenwald is a forest in the south of Aachen and is not located in the Ardennes. Hürtgenwald has nothing whatsoever to do with the Battle of the Bulge. They are both completely different battlefields. Even if they are not far from each other. The Hürtgwald is located in the Eifel on the German side between the municipalities of Roetgen, Simmerath and Schmidt. The statement in the publication should be corrected accordingly.
Yours sincerely, a player who lives in this region and knows als this battlefields in this area very well.



Americans had no experience with heavy tanks that is why all of them were trash.
British Churchill tanks and Soviet KV/IS series carried allies to victory.
Tigers were by far the most successful tanks (not SPG!) of the war in both terms of power and cost effectiveness especially if you take into account the fuel shortages Germany faced thorough all of the war.

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Finally this makes USA a bit tougher when facing german tanks please dont forget the M4A3E2 (76W)


The merge made germany even more powerful than they were before especially because you can use 2 tiger squads now, the soviets can bring only 1 IS-2 and USA doesent have any tanks to counter.

Ohh boy oh boy. This is exciting to see. Does this mean, a fancy American heavy tank will appear in this update?

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Excellent, I’m always happy to get more maps.


This is .