New battlefield - Ardennes

Nah it will be just another random sherman.

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Oh I know they won’t, I’m just hoping for a Christmas miracle. Honestly I already uninstalled. I’m just here hoping they say something that turns me around. But so far it’s not happening. It’s sad too, spent a lot of money on this shit just for them to change everything I loved about it.

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I hope eventually we get fully snowed Battle of the Bulge maps


They seriously need to tweak those kinds of issues. For me the only issue I have with the major overhaul, besides being a little convoluted and needing to be refined in general, is historical/atmosphere hiccups

No more world wars, we need star wars! :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is looking beautiful.

New maps are always welcome.


You guys again dont know what “spamming” means.

Playing as a tanker in max BR is automatically spamming?

Yeah sure.


I’m not going to quote everyone talking about King Tigers and such, but I was gonna say that if anything the new overhaul has shown how nothing is truly OP with all the dynamic chaos with a truly full team

Whether it’s the chances someone on the team having something capable of fighting X or simply just enough players swarming the enemy vehicle

Nothing is insurmountable, but this update truly exemplified that

You can run them back to back with a Panther as your third
And I"m talking about the sheer volume of them

Don’t be intentionally obtuse

And they’re not insurmountable, they’re just used by the most obnoxious people to sit in the greyzone camp and fire into your spawn
If you happen to destroy it you get to deal with assault rifle and AP mine spam
Happy day

I don’t mind the Tiger either, but personally I’d prefer we have the earlier model than the later model


Dont be dramatic, using top tier vehicles is in no way “evil” and people playing “the best” gear is only logical.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Soviets can also use both their IS 2 tanks, your argument makes no sense - instead what need to happen is that both sides need equally potent top tier vehicles - which is the real problem - Tiger II H and IS2 are not equals.


I’m just saying it looks like slowly BRs can be refined to be a bit more historical. I mean look at it right there, Normandy, Ardennes, Berlin BR 4-5, that looks an awful lot like 1944-1945

Either way I don’t want to see Panthers, T-34-85, Pumas, and Panzerfausts in Stalingrad

Like I said before, this new update did have a lot of great but we can build and work on it from there

The battle ratings are terrible :rage:

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you know as a high tier german-US player i see this as an absolute win but with 1 exception which is this is gonna be hard to get i think? idk how many US-german map there are

this is what i love about this game

thats why im a “bit” mad about the merge

:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


So if both go “hand in hand” why is it then only spamming from one side? Like whats even the point you are trying to make?

Don’t get me wrong, BRs are obviously unpolished and better US vehicles will come for sure - especially since we got the Ardennes now.

Still, you should probably adjust your snowflake mentality and breathe first before reading my criticism, we both don’t disagree on the core of the issue.

I will be checking the maps to make sure you made them according to the actual battle, not what you believed happened.


I mentioned these in a previous post, definitely would be cool to get them as gold orders or event vehicles now that the Ardenne is here.


Soviet Invasion of Japanese outer islands and Manchuria please!