Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

I knew not to do it, it was obvious that such QoL would appear quickly after the merge.


Here are some ideas and suggestions after the first 10 games of testing the New Enlisted.

  1. Absolutely 100% remove Tiger II, Tiger I and Panther from Stalingrad, as well as STG, AS and such.
    BR 4 and 5 should be just Berlin and Normandy.
    In the future feel free to add more BR 4 maps like idk Vienna, Prague, Konigsberg, Seelow Heights, Ardennes, Hurtgen, whatever.
    Also remove late-war Pz IV J from Stalingrad, it’s just super weird. Automatically change the skin to Pz IV F2 or something.
    Stalingrad should be only until 1942 gear, it’s just too iconic to ruin it like that.
  2. Join Any Team.
    a) Where is the XP bonus? I believe it’s fair that I get some incentive to participate in an unknown battle in order to improve match balance.
    b) I strongly believe that Join Any Team matches should not be uptiers. The very purpose of it is to make the most balance match BR-wise by agreeing to be put in any of the four factions.
  3. PPS-42/43 both feels weird to see in Stalingrad and is not really balanced with German SMG options of the same BR 3: (Beretta M1918, FNAB-43 - also a weird one for Stalingrad).
    Please revise this.
  4. Future maps and gear links.
    I propose the following tentative plan:
    BR 1-2: Rural USSR (ex-Moscow), Stalingrad
    BR 3: Kursk, Bagration
    BR 4: Berlin
    BR 5 (separate from the normal BRs, without downtier): Operation Unthinkable (i.e. all the fantasy stuff like AS, RPD, MG-45, STG-45, etc.)

@James_Grove @_TheLucky @ChuchaDrucha @Keofox


More British Rifle squads pls. and Italian rifle squad.


You know why I am here Darkflow

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Kamazii planes strapped with 2000lbs bombs?

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Didn’t you see the memes about why Merge is not coming? It was our fault there was threads saying we need merge right away

Really? srry we broke nad messed up the game and turned it into something else!
WE know you grinded hard and long for all those squads, equipping and customizing them to fit their appropriate campaigns and having fond memories of them.
Now they are useless cause we broke the game and made it something else so now here you go now you can sell all those squads! yay!
bu… but i liked my Squads as they were and liked the idea of different squads that went with their respective campaings?
Anyway that just pisses me in two ways.
How about just cancel the game altogether?
cause you have ruined Enlisted completely, it’s another game and I don’t like any of it.
Like said before this is CoD with WT matchmaking.
I liked Enlisted, that had different campaings with their time appropriate Squads, weapons and vehicles and had the immersion of that there campaing with what they had there and then, that’s the game and the feel i loved about Enlisted.
This is not Enlisted, this is a completely different game altogether, one that does not care for historical immersion, now it’s just another arcade fps that doesn’t give two shits about history
just sad


I have bunch of squads and if they have a gun research in common if I progress one it progress on the other squad so it should not be a problem

Upgrades of the M2 are tied to the tech tree rifleman 3 squad, same with the drum thompson, they’re tied to the tech tree assaulter 4 squad, so just unlock them and you’ll instantly get your upgrades back

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They should make so that defenders have 1 min before the attackers spawn to fortify objective

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That is a complete straw man.

I love that this game has a such a large and varied array of content. As I famously say everything and anything from the famous, well known, and mass produced to the rare, prototype, and experimental.

However my philosophy is about maintaining integrity and standards. If it’s a prototype from 1945 I don’t want to see it any earlier. If it’s a prototype from 1942 I only want to see it in those maps such as the Dicker Max. I have no problem with it in Stalingrad but I don’t want to see it in Normandy or Berlin. And I don’t care about Italian paratroopers as long as they’re not dropping in Normandy or Berlin

I don’t think anyone, myself included, has ever said they should remove certain whatever’s from the game for the sake of authenticity. Obviously I know Germany didn’t have Panzers right on the beaches of Normandy. Or German bombing runs defending the Reichstag

But the core of the gameplay is every side no matter what has 2 tanks and 2 planes. No one has any problems with this

Personally I never drop right on top of the objective. That’s a good way to get wiped if you’re unlucky

I’ve thought they should make the plane spawn further back so it takes longer to drop so it makes it a true decision of whether you wait to drop or spawn on the ground


I genuinely think this is good because now soldiers 3s and 2s are more valuable than 1s since they get more perk points and it allows you to spend 6 points without worrying and get the perks you want in the old system I never bothered using soldier 2 or 3 since they were costly to upgrade

You either roll this idiot stupid ‘‘update’’ of game back and make it Enlisted again, improving it with a overall Tech Tree for each separate NATION that allows you to unlock vehicles and weapons for all campaings (that had them)
You completely delete Enlisted and make a NEW game with you ‘‘new and updated’’ Enlisted.
For now you have an akward shit game with is made for a new another game but with leftovers of old system that makes it itno jsut a cesspool of confused



yes this was promised and there needs to be additional layer for side balancing. if we get 5-10% of players in join any queue you can have 1:1 matches.

The A-20 with rockets is still in game

This is inadequate.

BR should be displayed for EVERY SQUAD on EVERY SCREEN, and it should change dynamically if weaponry is changed.

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Would have been better to have enough testing BEFORE RELEASE!

You should be embarrassed to have to make a post like this!


Unlock them means pay for them, pay for what you have already updated or research?

USSR 1st tank batallion (the T-50 squad) – where did the 4th crew member go?

I can’t put the 4th tanker in the squad

And of course I’ve had the squad fully upgraded for ages

I just saw it’s red?
But I AM using it

And two T-50s are available in another squad?

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I have 60 more days of Premium which i am gonna use to see how low this can go, and i don’t feel like giving more money away (yes stalingrad pack i am looking at you), manwhile i’ll be waiting for some discount on Post Scriptum as well.

Don’t fall for the trick of “tell me what you don’t like”, 'cause we let them know long time ago since the first testserver that things weren’t right, or balanced at all.