Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

what was wrong with leaving weapons (and could’ve been squads too!) having assigned campaing instead of stupid battle rating? that was much better solution, atleast that had some sense of the Enlisted that I fell for.
atleast then it would be some sense of historical something.
what fcking sadness i feel Enlisted instead of improved upon, got completely rewritten andmade into something else.


Dude German BR5 can fight BR1 for wacky reason, removing them from map is tour priority? Lmao

I have not seen BR 5 vs BR 1.
But I have seen Tiger 2s in Stalingrad.

Mind that in DF/GJ logic even if an inactive member of a squad has a high tier weapon, you’re going to high tier hell:


See here the 4th tanker has a PPSh-41 but he won’t even be usable in the match, yet the overall BR is 5.


Strange, guess the BT7s, Stuarts, M13 GC, T60, T70s, T26s I shot eith my 88mm Kwk 43 are just my imaginations then lmao

People are clueless about BRs and the system is very confusing.

More than likely all of them had some BR 3 weapon on someone and got sent to your 88mm dinner plate.


All of those are BR1 tanks, and yes those people also use bolt action rifles…

Yes they are BR 1 tanks, but if any crew have BR 5 weapons equipped then they go to BR 5, and the whole army with them!

Yeah I’m saying again: people are used to their “campaign” loadouts.
Maybe someone like roleplaying BT-7, Mosins and PPSh-41 on his Moscow maps.
Now he launches, takes the same loadout and goes to BR 3-5 hell.

Don’t forget that the changes were poorly communicated and a F2P game’s average IQ (kids/one day visitors) is as low as it gets.


If they can equip PPSH41, why still using a T60/70? But hey, ignorance is bliss I guess

Moscow campaign setup - pretty normal

Fine just keep sending those poor bastards, feed the big cats

Better to improve the UI so people know what BR each squad is at and even what each crew member is at, so people don’t get caught out by needless errors.


“I partially agree with you on this matter. I paid in full for the Stalingrad campaign and would like to continue playing Stalingrad maps, but I am unable to do so after the merge. However, dividing the current player pool into historical periods, such as early and late, as you suggested, would contradict the original intention of the merge. Unfortunately, I do not see a compromise at this time. Perhaps a solution will present itself in the future.”

Bring back the old customization options for medics
My medics were made to look like normal soldiers before the merge, the option to do so is gone now

Get rid of the prerequisite of being forced to waste points on low tier garbage perks before being able to put points into the higher tiers

“Necessary Improvements!”: Some UI stuff.

Not necessary: Functioning matchmaker.

What is the point.


Distract players from bigger issues, it always work, since people has short term memories, and they one who remember those, they get silenced


Devs have priorities on things that no one asked for, like squad selling.


Harsh words from you. The dev team put in a lot of effort into the merge and took player feedback into account. They are continuing to make improvements, which should be recognized and commended.

Thank you for listening to your player base and working hard to improve Enlisted!

Based on my observations, another important tweak I would recommend to the rating system:

  1. I don’t know exactly how the rating system is calculated, but it seems like your battle rating is determined by the single highest rated element equipped to your active combat force. So, for example, you can have 6 squads all rated “I” with “I” equipment, and your rating will be “I”; add one single “V” rated submachine gun to one of your men, and your rating will immediately jump from “I” to “V”. This is unreasonable for a few reasons:
    (a) It does not accurately reflect the fighting strength of your overall combat force;
    (b) Items are often arbitrarily rated based on where they were in the previous campaign progression system (for example, an MP-35 is rated IV while in MP-40 is rated III); and
    (c) This seems to have the result of, at times, restricting even content that was originally in certain campaigns from being able to access those maps. For example, the lowest ranked Allied flamethrower has a III rating, which means it cannot be used in Pacific or Moscow - both campaigns that featured flamethrower squads!

Instead, I propose to rework the battle rating calculation as follows:
(a) Instead of being rated according to the highest single element in your combat force, players should be rated by the average rating of the elements in their combat force. This would mean that the addition of one or two III-rated SMGs won’t send your otherwise I-rated loadout straight to Normandy.
(b) This could have the unintended side-effect of allowing some higher-tier equipment into lower-rated battlefields. To avoid this from happening, equipment should be weighted based on its impact on the balance (and if u want, historical significance as well) - so that a Tiger E or P-47 are weighted much more heavily than a “highly-rated” rifle or SMG. So adding a IV-rated rifle into an otherwise I-rated loadout might bump it up to II (or even leave it at I), while adding in a Tiger will immediately bump it up to III or IV.

I think this would solve a lot of the confusion and imbalance we are currently seeing in the rating system.

On a separate note:
2. More appropriate skins should be released to reflect crossover of units to new battlefields as a result of the new system (i.e., Italian soldiers should not be forced in German uniforms on the Eastern Front).

  1. I know this is beating a dead horse, but in the update earlier today you fixed “a paratrooper who was improperly seated” in one of the planes. I’ve already posted about this: NONE of them should be seated! They should all be hooked up, they’re jumping in five seconds! If you’re going to go through the trouble of fixing it, make it make sense!

  2. While on the subject of the paratroopers - add aiming reticles ahead of the parachute planes so they can be shot down more easily, and make parachute planes and bombers bank and return in the same direction after dropping their payloads!

Thanks for reading this far



  1. Make the same weapon/equipment usable by different presets
    I want to have 3-4-5 presets for different BRs but they all must use the same pouches/mines/pistols, etc.

I need just 20 grenades per army, not 200.