Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

You also have to remember that for the duration of the event data will be highly unreliable since fomo events tend to increase activity.

Not to mention in my opinion any update to a game that removes player choice is bad.

this my experience playing t5 as US and germany (didnt have enough time to sort my equipment so i made quick just put t5 squads for event)

overall battles are way more intensive and you can actually feel that there are humans in them. i had no problem with roflstomps (except 1 battle where cause of MM bug i had 10v15 battle). no matter whether i won or lost game was worth playing. i also prematch deserted 1-3 maps cause of shit game modes.

biggest problem that i had in matches so far is game putting BR3 people inside BR5 match.

Cool my biggest problem is game is absolutely shit not. only remotely playable BRs i found were high tier germany since its mostly normandy and low tier allies since mostly tunisia and pacific and japan since pacific.

well i havent tried low BR battles cause of shitstorm they made with sorting hundreds of weapons. also like i said before game really needs 3 queues.

what it needs is map and mode selection.

Iā€™d play the shit out of a Pacific or Tunisia Invasion playlist with presistant lobbies.

its almost like game devs no longer know how to make games

well i was suggesting before that we needed map vote veto that would bring majority of people to maps they want to play cause with MM you really cant have hard map/mode selection.

agreed that persistent servers would be good idea. but it would be shit for players joining mid match.

matches last 5 min anyway literally just wait for next match to start like in BF3/4

To keep adding ā€œcompletely usefulā€ content so people will forget about fuckups.

Indeed, I just realized about itā€¦ But Tigers in Moscow and Stalingrad are still being deployed

Oh boy, this is something quite normal nowā€¦

Not all suggestions and not all requests, things that were NECESSARY for the merge, butā€¦ Here we are.

the completely ridiculous nascar races we have now had a secondary, although not unexpected, extremely undesired result: rally points lost a lot of value, getting devaluated to almost nothing. not once or twice but in a huge percentage of games, for the time you get to a solid tactic position to plant a rally, the point is capped and off we go to the next, hurry hurry!.

did noone explained the rushers that longer matches give much more rewards? the mindset seems to be winning faster is better, butā€¦is it?

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This has been an issue consistently in this game. The F2P model attracts a lot of CoD/FaZe wannabes that canā€™t afford an actual AAA title, and they play like theyā€™re trying out for the pros every match.

I see Chinese characters in a player name, I blacklist immediately.

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I want to know why the Italian Ansaldo 35 flamethrower in the Battle of Tunisia was used in the BR 5? And other countries have Level 2 flamethrowers in BR 4? Okay, you might say, this team has four flamethrowers, but this team was bought with money! Except for the collection value, it will only appear weaker in BR that is one level higherā€¦
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exactly the same. i find the average chinese/eastern character named players gameplay system not to my liking. its ok for them, so let em have their fun.its breaking mine, tho, so i blacklist. not to mention many of their names are extremely offensive when translated, but since gaijin dont give a fk about it, why should i?

i found out, tho, that marking someone as extremely undersirable to play with and blocking that player, blocking doesnt do crap and it actually DONT BLOCK ANYTHING, is like a secondary friend list, and you can MEET OVER AND OVER THE SAME PEOPLE, even when you went the long road to block em so you dont meet em anymore.


average match is ~20 minutes and sometimes they can last for more than hour.

averages wont work here, its got to be seen case by case.

by the law of averages, if i ate a whole chicken and you ate none, on average we both ate half a chicken each.

and what would you use for measurement of global match time? median?
average is perfectly valid for expressing what is time expectation for a match.

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in this case, it can be deceiving. but i agree you have to start somewhere, and i trust your information more than the official one, sadly i might add.

well it depends on the map, but average for whole server is ~20 minutes
and this is for average for campaign/mode

and this is average time by map postmerge


except conquests that last 10-15 minutes on average with fastest matches being ~5 minutes, rest are mostly around that 20 minute mark.

I tested the game again since all at once it is a horror we all even lose a complete esquade directly that we spawn in a single salvo of enemy machine guns on the map station werbig a single enemy well placed to kill 4 respawn at the base directly we border the ridiculous

what to say about vehicles that no longer serve anything like the vehicles of Tunisia found in the same map
what to say about tank type mk1 on which we fall in front of a tiger
or the full rifle esquades against an enemy full team machine gun
we lose all desire to play

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i believe the easy eight will be next:

since itā€™s new from the first test

or jumbo 76 ( present since the burning jungle update )

( but i could always be wrong )

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