New and old treats ( vehicles & aircrafts ) from the callisto editor & in general ( that we are aware )

You’re starting to sound like some mad scientist, Erika. :smirk:

Giving them false hope that they might defend themselves

i have wasted enough time on this editor to realize few things.

  1. i could have learned art instead or idk. dance or play guitar or something.

  2. still many things are not duable

  3. i can make epics things if only they would let me make examples of it on grander scales instead of single player / 2 coop missions ( and get actual official suport for AI tanks and behaviors… ).

doesn’t help the fact that i need to cut my missions in 4 parts because it’s too heaby for the portal :angry:

Have they at least ever mentioned something like that is planned to support modding community? Or did they simply ignore you and the others.


the only thing got implemented that i somewhat suggested, were prefabs, and immortal rendinsts.

and about the others…
ugh… let me see.

ai improvements / tanks? no.
texture spray for map making? nada.
guides for more nodes in the editor as well as some road spline editor? nope.
custom improvements for a pve to begin with and other much needed improvements? nein.
uploadable assets from wt / crsed? niet.
ability to change textures and colorations on objectes?. nej.
render distance slider for objcets? 没有
placable text in the maps? [ه]

so… yeah. not a good rateo.

pretty much ignored.

*puts tinfoil hat.
i believe they favorite more mr tommy when it comes to suggestions.

or maybe mine are shit / requires too much.

but somehow managed to make entities works.

dunno. don’t wanna think about it.

Edit. at least they did replied to some of my threads and told me that… they won’t create AI patrolls behavior. but are planning on triggers events and … way points for ai.

great… but not much of use for my pves…

Great, now I feel bad for you. Especially knowing how much effort you’re putting into this.

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i meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

yeah. it is bad when i have 5 mods sitting taking dust on my computer and no way to host them.

i could, but as i said, i would have to split them, and those are only available for 2 players.
( due to balancer team being forced. which… i found out that i need 40 players just to let 20 players being able to play the damn pve in the first place. and the others 20 sit around doing nothing.

without counting lone fighters gamemode ( which… were originally designed to be ) so the numbers needed are doubled.

just the story of my life :slight_smile:

but hey, at least you folks can enjoy thommys mod i guess

i’lll… be just here.

waiting. and waiting.

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I’ve shouldn’t ask, rip.

Now I feel like I’ve ruined your mood for the day. And I was able to achieve that just in few minutes, great.


no worries :slight_smile:

it will take alot more than that.

beside, i already made peace with it along time ago.

( even though, i admit. sometimes it carries me away a bit too far )

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Well, I don’t know, it’s unlikely to be fun.

a matter of opinions.

but i can tell you, sure is fun to blast everything and enjoy the view for one minute ( at a time for each reload ).


I’m not arguing, that’s why I love 60 cm Carl.
But you know how HE work in enlisted, right? It’s a lot of fun to hit ground/wood next to a enemy soldier and… a ricochet or just a white marker from a 152mm HE, this is some kind of masochistic fun.
Although it’s quite fun to destroy tigers 2 on IS 2, but KV 2 is different. Too many 2s.

Well, in the last of the games(which I played) similar to men of war, KV 2 has a reload faster than IS 2, so this… it’s pretty fast (16 seconds).

So I like the fun called the “second second tiger” more. Especially when the enemy does not have aviation and IS-2.

Oh, yes, they are geniuses who left the same balancer for modified games, which can’t even be turned off. Perhaps they really have 10 people there who are engaged in the game development at most.


must be. either that, or impossible dead lines for the peps that must do all the work.

unfortunately things are not as quick as we would love them to be.


Well, at least we do not have the opportunity to calculate the deadlines due to the fact that we do not know anything about their position and goals(roadmap is joke). So yes, it remains only to wait in ignorance.

I don’t think roadmap is joke. People just misinterpreted it.
They always presented as their plan or goal, but definitely not promises. Everything in roadmap is still somewhat relevant. But you need to include new information from Q&A and devblogs as well.

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No, I mean, it gives practically nothing.
It shouldn’t. But that’s why it’s a joke.

In fact, these are only main goals, yes. But, again, we don’t know anything further to calculate the deadlines. That’s what I mean.

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additional that i found within the second test phase:
( i apologize if some are already in the game / missed / known etc. )

Sherman Easy Eight:

Soviet AA 94km

they reinstated the ISU-152 and has a model:

they reinstated the kv_2_1939



they reinstated the hetzer:

jagdtiger has been reinstated:

251/10 has been reinstated:

zis 30 has been reinstated:

only new mentions with no pictures:

  • base_cromwell_5
  • a22b_mk_iii_churchill_1942

as a bonus, new BP vehicles that have been introduced:
( keep in mind that those might not come in at least few bps )

Shermans 1942 " Sloppy Joe " & " USM 171th "

IS-2 " Antonov 313 "


That’s current BP season vehicle.

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cheers for the correction

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Very cool

Very keen on the SU 152, KV- 2, semovente short, german halftrack and hetzer