New and old treats ( vehicles & aircrafts ) from the callisto editor & in general ( that we are aware )

All I wanted is to safely retreat to repair my vehicle.
And all I get is death :(!

you see…

that’s why they created and sended the volksturm.

equipped with the best device ever invented.


they are so easy to use, everyone can use it.

men, old people, women, you name it.

even a child can use it :wink:

too far? :no_mouth:

while you stand your ground of course.

but… retreating is not advisable.

especially around in berlin.

i heard they were hanging out left and right.

some of them, were even a bit itchy on the triggers.


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I already know all of this, friend.

I don’t want it because of it’s relative effectiveness, I want it because it’s iconic and could lead to hilarious moments. I’m not a fan of power creep. I’m a fan of fun! :slight_smile:



This vehicle isn’t about effectiveness, it’s about memes.


Ahaha most derp guns are incredibly inefficient…but they are incredibly fun. Brumbar!!!


was just thinking the other day, how badly i would love to use the sturmtiger in enlisted ( against Ais of course )

less than ideal, and the match would probably end before i can even unload at least 10 shells, but damn sure would be fun.

aka, the presents delivery box.



Would be kinda fun to trying snipe its loaded rocket. iirc it is possible in WT and you can destroy it that way.

I love using that thing. Using range dial to launch a hail mary across the map at their spawn to see if you get a kill at start of match. Done it once!!! Tried so many times to replicate but no cigar!

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point and click adventure to get 30+ kills in one click in a multiplayer game is never that fun.

which would end up being used in gray areas by campers.

not really enjoyable.

but against bots on the other hand, they don’t have feelings.

and they won’t ragequit afterward :smirk:

Well you can make them rage quit, then enjoy blasting AI :stuck_out_tongue:

So basically all you want is endlessly torture the defenseless ones. Seems fair to me. :+1:


( you could implement anti tanker squads that go around and seek for players tanks though. some sort of enforcer response. or if you stay too much in one area, the ai will use artillery / mortars )

( or AI cas. where players will need to defend their assets and deal with planes )
( if only mods wouldn’t be so restrictive… i would have created my own big action but more historical and pve related… *cries inside )

You’re starting to sound like some mad scientist, Erika. :smirk:

Giving them false hope that they might defend themselves

i have wasted enough time on this editor to realize few things.

  1. i could have learned art instead or idk. dance or play guitar or something.

  2. still many things are not duable

  3. i can make epics things if only they would let me make examples of it on grander scales instead of single player / 2 coop missions ( and get actual official suport for AI tanks and behaviors… ).

doesn’t help the fact that i need to cut my missions in 4 parts because it’s too heaby for the portal :angry:

Have they at least ever mentioned something like that is planned to support modding community? Or did they simply ignore you and the others.


the only thing got implemented that i somewhat suggested, were prefabs, and immortal rendinsts.

and about the others…
ugh… let me see.

ai improvements / tanks? no.
texture spray for map making? nada.
guides for more nodes in the editor as well as some road spline editor? nope.
custom improvements for a pve to begin with and other much needed improvements? nein.
uploadable assets from wt / crsed? niet.
ability to change textures and colorations on objectes?. nej.
render distance slider for objcets? 没有
placable text in the maps? [ه]

so… yeah. not a good rateo.

pretty much ignored.

*puts tinfoil hat.
i believe they favorite more mr tommy when it comes to suggestions.

or maybe mine are shit / requires too much.

but somehow managed to make entities works.

dunno. don’t wanna think about it.

Edit. at least they did replied to some of my threads and told me that… they won’t create AI patrolls behavior. but are planning on triggers events and … way points for ai.

great… but not much of use for my pves…

Great, now I feel bad for you. Especially knowing how much effort you’re putting into this.

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i meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

yeah. it is bad when i have 5 mods sitting taking dust on my computer and no way to host them.

i could, but as i said, i would have to split them, and those are only available for 2 players.
( due to balancer team being forced. which… i found out that i need 40 players just to let 20 players being able to play the damn pve in the first place. and the others 20 sit around doing nothing.

without counting lone fighters gamemode ( which… were originally designed to be ) so the numbers needed are doubled.

just the story of my life :slight_smile:

but hey, at least you folks can enjoy thommys mod i guess

i’lll… be just here.

waiting. and waiting.

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I’ve shouldn’t ask, rip.

Now I feel like I’ve ruined your mood for the day. And I was able to achieve that just in few minutes, great.


no worries :slight_smile:

it will take alot more than that.

beside, i already made peace with it along time ago.

( even though, i admit. sometimes it carries me away a bit too far )

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