New and old treats ( vehicles & aircrafts ) from the callisto editor & in general ( that we are aware )

YES we are getting the m3 with big gun always want that also we are gonna get heavy bomber now huh cool


unfortunately about that one…

i fear it’s gonna be a premium

( or maybe not considering that usa lacks of low tier tank destroyers… mh… fingers crossed )

that panzer 2 and ac1 look nice too would love to see KV2 and sturmpanzer2 being add just hope they arent premium

those were in the game at some point.

but got removed.

i asked them through bug reports ( since those do not work despite being there )

to be fixed. and hope to be reintroduced.

but that’s a long shot.

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Do they want her back? I thought it was removed earlier because it was unhistorical, but today who cares about it? On the other hand, they probably just leaved it in the files (but I didn’t see it in the editor).

as far as i remember,

the reason why the panther F was removed, was because it was actually more resiliant and overall good in enlisted.

don’t think was that historical inaccurate as panthers F were used in the defense of berlin ( around 8s ).

perhaps could be made that the argument of panthers F being everywhere would be somewhat off putting…


unfortunately i never tested it.

i did not bought the cbt of berlin.

but i think i know a man who can offer few cents about the matter @Shiivex

he might know something more than we do.

but. as far as i remember, it was replaced by the G.

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Isn’t that it?

yes. it’s this one.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened.
8 is not enough, I remember complaining on the forum that there should not be a starting t-34-85(If talking about Berlin only), since there were about 300 of them, and now it sounds ridiculous considering all the prototypes introduced, 300 is a lot.

No KV2 model?


KV 2 is there. At least in the topic.

Erika said the model is removed… :frowning:

Which means I won’t see my Stalin Tower soon…

kv2 is definitely alive… or dormient in some of the devs archive.

unfortunately, not available or so alive in our editor.

which, yeah. it’s temporarily removed

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Can I ask you something? Does ausf. F still have such a slow reverse “speed” like all Panthers do?

This is not men of war, here KV 2 will be semi-useless.
Here you are unlikely to be able to destroy even a panther on KV 2, although I do not know how it working in War Thunder. And there you can’t demolish houses. Also HE is weird and too random.
So it will more useless than IS 2.

Well and such a wonderful vehicles makes sense only after a serious reworking of the game, and this is unlikely to happen soon.

yes :skull:


Rip, that’s the the thing ingate so much on all Panthers. Such a beautiful vehicles, but this is just killing me.

you don’t go back kameraden.

you only go forward.

either the Feldgendarmerie will kill you for treason, or the soviets :wink:

your choice.

unless you’re steiner and somehow gets the order to retreat ( even though was just to enforce the defense of berlin and… somehow counter attack the 3 soviets army. wishful thinking at best. )

“No Step Back” German edition. Truly historically accurate.

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In this case, the Germans also patented a war on two fronts. You can’t retreat if the enemy is everywhere.
So you are not retreating to the west, you are advancing.