New and old treats ( vehicles & aircrafts ) from the callisto editor & in general ( that we are aware )

because one it’s in the game, and the other is not.

beside, the panther F was used in the closed beta of berlin as a sobstitute of the panther G.
because it was too strong for the opposition. ( so they claimed )

so if we see it, most likely will be a premium ( which it’s in the tag name. or it might be a future event vehicle instead. or actually never see it. just speculation at this point. )

but. you don’t really need a piershing to pen a tiger II.

m36 & M4A4 Sherman 76 or any plane can deal with tigers just nicely. as long you know where to shot.

that’s a good question.

i don’t… really understand nor see the necessity.

but i guess it would be fun to use.

I dont need a Pershing to pen a Tiger II, I need it to have some protection from his shots, until CAS plane will take him out.

Also - currently Allies dont have any tanks which could damage Tiger II H from the front.

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you don’t.

americans tanks weren’t really known for survivability against 88s.
almost none outside the pershing ( which, btw, both tiger I & II can still pen you from the front. ) and jumbo.

but due to being wt models, both can be penned at the front through mg ports / angle turrets.


M18 can, and actually, you reminded me that i missed this one: the M10 achilles which it’s also in the files:

or, the 76 jumbo:

and the 76 sherman.

you gotta aim for the turret. and not spray and pray.

or disable his gun when he is not looking at you.


Huh? is it still in files? When I last checked it wasn’t listed in spawn menu. Weird of them to hide it.

Yeah. Just aim at cheeks/ small turret ring while he is looking at you. What could go wrong?
Heil Pixle Aiming.

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i still have to report it.

but it’s there.

most likely an error.

they do remove on accient editor assets.

and when we point that out, they usually fix them.

( didn’t tried with 251s, jagd, and old gen vehicles)

but it worked for others.

if you put your self in the position of charging and ending up face to face with a tiger.

call me crazy, but the tiger it’s not the one at fault.

which, you can still kill it in one shot.

due to them having so many ammos stored in the turret.

i’m not saying or be like the ones of " just flank it bro "

i’m just saying, use your surroundings as your advantage and wait when he fired.

to then pop out and shoot the thing.

tigers II are overrated.

Well. It seems like it and would save you a lot of words.

Whats the point of talking about forntal engagements if at the end you discouage people from doing so?
I think you dont need 76mm to pen the sides of the P or H.

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Also, isnt the whole joke of the merge that those meme situations dont appear again?

you’re not one of those who seriously thinks you need 5 shermans / t34s to destroy one tiger… right?

you do need one if you want to pen it’s turret cheeks reliably frontally.

all to say, you can’t expect to face a tiger frontally and expect to survive unless you’re quick on the trigger and hit a weakspot before he unlive part of your crew or your whole tank.

because that’s clearly not how tankers worked in real life.

which in enlisted, follow the infantry while staying a bit behind, look / listen for sound or gun smokes, wait for a friendly mark ( or don’t. it’s not that essential )

majority of the time the tank in question is dealing with infantry & has HE in the chamber.

you then push, and destroy it. or, disable his gun.

you’re certainly not a newbie.
you need me to tell you basic enlisted tanks engagements?

if that doesn’t work. you have a plane and one plane ticket.

i mean,

it doesn’t happen if you won’t let it happen.

ovviously if you uses m1918a6 and just the first sherman you might wanna reconsider your loadouts.

( which, it is somewhat of an issue. i’ll admit. especially caused by the merge. )

but you win some, lose some.

Speaking about hidden stuff, is there a T95 model in game? It keeps giving an error when I try to spawn it.


that was a supposed to be the american moon tank.

but, i noticed they reintroduced the modern tanks back:

with working top machinegun, working commander 360 sight etc.

anyway, gotta report the missing tank from the newer version and try my luck to reintroduce old gen vehicles.

wish me luck gents.

i’ll probably gonna need it.

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update and correction,

it was never hided

it’s still in the callisto server:

but can confirm the H1 have been removed as well as the zis 5

p.s close to finish the report

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There is also panzer 3 ausf L in the editor

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i didn’t included it, because we have so many panzer IIIs and i didn’t know which one was actually new. which i was afraid to show one that was already in the game lol.

I also remember seeing an ka chi without the floaties

I found some more images of stuff thats hidden away in the files. I don’t have names for these.

Notably the Tiger 1 H

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good catch!

completely forgot about these ngl. ( depsite using them on a basis in my mods )

hope to see some of them in the merge.

especially that good looking british armored car and the tiger h1 as well as the sdkfz 6_2.

but… could be that those becomes premium… which i less like.

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I want to see the AEC armoured car too. The powerful 57mm and the shitty armour makes it an interesting vehicle